General explanations
The roadmap contains the goals the Krita team members have committed to attempt for 2.2. The Action Plan contains the working plan for Lukas Tvrdy, if we can manage to get the money to have him work full-time for the period of the plan.
- Krita 2.2 Roadmap
- Krita 2.2 Action Plan
- Krita 2.3 Action Plan
- Krita 2.3 Action Plan - Pact of Stability
- Krita 2.3 Google Summer Of Code students
- Krita Wishlist
- Project ideas for student thesis
- Pentalis' Tasklist (Asynchronous Roadmap)
- ToDo
- Redisplay IRC logs
- Krita and flake
- Krita and Scripting with Kross
- Inspiration
- Optimization tips and tools for Krita
- Status on OpenRaster integration
- Krita and real painting
- Krita and printing to PDF/X-1a or PDF/X3
- Developing plugins for Krita 1.6
- Notes on how to make packages for Krita-Plugins
- Krita/SelectionsMasks
- Writing tutorials for Krita
- Dynamic Paint Op
- Ideas around the filter dialog and interaction
- Notes taken during the Akademy 2007 Meeting about Krita
- State of filters in Krita
- Direct RAW editing
- Generator Layers
- Use Cases
- Artists Requirements
- Krita Benchmarks
- Brush engines presets
- How to write brush engines
- Stroke storage design
- Centralized Queue For Tool Jobs
- Extensions website
Design documents
- Redisplay
- High dynamic range imaging
- Recording and collaborative working design
- KisPainter and KisPaintEngine design
- Metadata framework
- Design of the JPEG Save dialog
- Version control
- Brushes
- Brush Color Transformation
- Brush Engines (aka paintops)
- Quick-sketch Preference Palette
- Usability discussion notes
- Community Mockups and Wishlist
- Filter API Discussion Notes
- KisCanvas2 Update Split Reasoning
- Transactions Design
- Tile Data Format
- KisSelection Issues
Documentation (WIP)
- Meetings/February 2010 Krita meeting
- Meetings/Mid_2009_meeting/Krita_Notes
- Krita/Akademy_2007_Meeting
The Krita team has two Wacom intuos tablets, two stylusses and two art pens. They are currently with:
- Lukas Tvrdy: one tablet, stylus art pen
- Sven Langkamp: one tablet
- Cyrille Berger: stylus art pen