Krita/Packaging Krita-Plugins
< Krita
This contains notes on how to create packages for Krita-Plugins.
Creating the tar Packages
- svn co krita-plugins-1.6.$KRITA_PLUGINS_VERSION
- cd krita-plugins-1.6.$KRITA_PLUGINS_VERSION
- find . -type d -name \.svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
- remove unfinished plugins
- cd ..
- mkdir krita-plugins-1.6.$KRITA_PLUGINS_VERSION-build
- cmake ../krita-plugins-1.6.$KRITA_PLUGINS_VERSION
- make
- cd ..
- tar -czf krita-plugins-1.6.$KRITA_PLUGINS_VERSION.tar.gz krita-plugins-1.6.$KRITA_PLUGINS_VERSION
RPM Packages
- log in the OpenSuSE build service
- upload the new source tarball
- update the version in the spec file
- wait
DEB Packages
- rename the source package to krita-plugins_{version}.orig.tar.gz
- untar the source package
- copy the "debian" directory from the previous version
- update the change log ( debian/changelog )
- in the source directory call :
debuild -us -uc -S sudo pbuilder build ../krita-plugins-{version}.dsc
- wait