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Part-time plan

Bugs are not sorted according any rule

Bug 263171 - Experimental paintop is slow
252882    nor   krita-bugs-null@kde.org   UNCO   Filter brush doesn't respect transparency
252396    nor   krita-bugs-null@kde.org   NEW   Filter brush with color to alpha paints black
251374    nor   krita-bugs-null@kde.org   NEW   smooth speed sensor
234308    nor   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   Speed curve's speed always seems to register zero at start of a brush stroke

Bugs from previous action plan:

217124    [WAITFORINFO]   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   PaintOps that copy pixels are not aware of pixel transparency 
245130    [IMPROVED_BUT_STILL_NOT_FIXED_COMPLETLY]   lukast.dev@gmail.com   UNCO   Smudge brush doesn't mix alpha channel 
209033    [WHAT_TO_DO]   lukast.dev@gmail.com   ASSI   Deform brush makes pixels darker when bilinear filtering is enabled 

Fixed 2011:
250978    nor   krita-bugs-null@kde.org   UNCO   Stylus rotation sensor is broken

Bug 251720 -  Select Similar Colors tool has wrong alignment of the cursor
Bug 252144 -  Bad square mask generation when angle is nonzero 
Bug 252159 -  krita hangs and brush outline does not show under certain setings
Bug 252173 - crash when closing krita while the filter dialog is open
Bug 245870 -  Gaussian Blur filter preview is blocky, the edges of the


 247835    nor   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   hairy brush paints predefined brushes four times and with weird colors
 229012    nor   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   smudge brush gives weird results 
 245143    cra   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   Krita hangs when you paint with Mixing Brush outside the canvas 
 246639    nor   lukast.dev@gmail.com   UNCO   Brushes paint outside selection 
 239977    nor   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   Invisible value in some themes in our custom widget 
 249127    cra   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   Crash: Brush presets referencing non-existent paths of brushes 
 242547    nor   lukast.dev@gmail.com   UNCO   Krita BrushTip--->Autobrush-->Angle is not respected by default paintops
 244910    cri   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   Krita 'Spray Pen' / 'Chalk' use excessive memory & become very slow
 231468    nor   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   some paintops don't paint/work in scratchpad
 213245    maj   lukast.dev@gmail.com   ASSI   Krita creates new layers when moving a layer 
 248695    nor   lukast.dev@gmail.com   NEW   No outline cursor when using the "Paint with brushes using dynamic movements" tool
 245778    maj   lukast.dev@gmail.com   UNCO   Scale to new size crop first layer
 249265    nor   lukast.dev@gmail.com   UNCO   the CTRL+click color picker is getting slower and slower 
 230693    maj   lukast.dev@gmail.com   UNCO   Color management is not working on opening file


  • Fixed bugs (November 2011 - January 2012)
287401 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	UPST 	memcheck reports "invalid read" errors in the jpeg filter 
283606 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Multibrushes : missing dab, mirror isn't perfect 
284060 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	NEW 		longs strokes become progressively slower 
286985 	maj 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Transparent lines sometimes appear on the canvas
287056 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	krita-bugs-null@kde.org 	RESO 	FIXE 	Duplicate op doesn't remove outline form the screen
287197 	cra 	NOR 	Linu 	krita-bugs-null@kde.org 	RESO 	FIXE 	Krita 2.4 (b4): crash after moving a new selection
289145 	cra 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Krita crash while using sketch brush
289150 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	after flattening the image, you can't draw on the last layer remaining
289413 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Image is positioned wrong after doing Shear
289414 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Shear Image does not have progress indication
289639 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Rotate 89deg generates white/transparent stripes around the image
289790 	cra 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Pressing backspace while the stroke is running crashes Krita
290406 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Undo of Invert Selection action does not work properly
290563 	cra 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Trying to create any selection with a tool creashes Krita
290683 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Some tools crash when using them concurrently with long-running actions
290812 	nor 	NOR 	Linu 	dimula73@gmail.com 	RESO 	FIXE 	Toolbox is not deactivated/reactivated after changing visibility of Shape Layer 
  • Fixed bugs
251113         nor                     krita-bugs-null@kde.org NEW             Display artifact lines with OpenGL
189541    	maj  	NOR  	unsp  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	ability to use tools outside the canvas 
209524    	maj  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Crash when moving with layer 
230970    	wis  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Moving canvas when it's strongly zoomed out is not possible 
243938    	cra  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Crash while painting 
250146    	nor  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Ctrl-"+" does wrong centering of the image 
250312    	nor  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Transparency Mask probably uninitialised 
250388    	nor  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	"Fit Width" and "Fit Page" buttons do not center image when Vast Scrolling is on 
250966    	maj  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	autoscroll is too fast and goes too far 
251361    	nor  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Auto scrolling doesn't work in some cases 
251393    	nor  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Pan only possible with the "Paint"-Tool 
251623    	maj  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Filter don't use selection. 
251624    	nor  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Color adjustment curves filter preview show wrong pattern 
252184    	maj  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Krita does not load filter masks correctly anymore 
252354    	nor  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	RESO  	FIXE  	Layer compositeOps are ignored when there is only one layer due to oblidgeChild() 
242800    	nor  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	CLOS  	FIXE  	I can create a hole (chess board) when changing the layer opacity and arithmetic 
248734    	nor  	NOR  	Linu  	dimula73@gmail.com  	CLOS  	FIXE  	Switching to OpenGL canvas makes mouse pointer invisible whenever I move it into the canvas area 

  • Fix randomly failing tiles unittest
  • Compressed tile saving