Main Page
Welcome to Here you will find information for members of the community, including how to get involved if you aren't already.
Important note for editing the wiki: As well as community-wide information, projects and subcommunities can add their own content under a top-level "directory" name. If you want to add content for a new project or subcommunity please add it under its directory and list it on the front page. Please check carefully if it's already there before adding new content. If you don't find a place and don't want to create a new directory, add your content under the scratchpad namespace
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Information useful across many projects, or for the KDE community as a whole.
Get Involved</translate> <translate>
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Policies</translate> <translate>
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Schedules</translate> <translate>
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Events</translate> <translate>
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Infrastructure</translate> <translate>
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Guidelines and how-tos</translate> <translate>
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Mentoring</translate> <translate>
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Incubator</translate> <translate>
KDE Teams
- Alkimia
- Baloo — Metadata and search
- Bodega — Content publishing and delivery system
- Confidence — A password management app
- Calligra - Office and creative suite
- digiKam
- Dolphin
- Multimedia
- Solid — KDE hardware teams
- Sonnet – Spell checking extraordinaire
- Playground -- Projects that are not ready but still in discussion
- KDE Core — Core modules of KDE, including kdelibs
- KDE Edu
- KDE Games
- KDE Science
- KSecretService
- Krita — Painting for Digital Artists
- KWin
- Necessitas
- Ocs-server
- Plasma Project Team Coordination
- Real-Time Communication and Collaboration (Telepathy)
- RKWard GUI for R
- Android
- Commit Digest
- Common Task Videos
- Community Working Group
- Country teams:
- France — KDE in France
- KDE in Britain
- KDE in India
- KDE in Argentina
- Elegance — unify, utilize, and share functionality
- Gardening
- KDE — various documentation affecting the entire community
- Websites
- KDE Forums - Information about for developers and contributors
- KDE Student Programs - Functional guide of for students, mentors and admins
- KDE Documentation
- KDE e.V.
- KDE Mac
- KDE Mobile
- Windows
- KDE Women
- Kubuntu
- Leadership
- KDE Promo
- KDE Sysadmin