KDE Visual Design Group/Plasma 5.16 Wallpaper Competition
Submit your designs to the subforum we have set up for the competition.
Check out these instructions first!
- The design of your wallpaper must be original and created specifically for the contest
- The design of your wallpaper must be released to KDE under a copyleft license (CC By, CC By-SA), or released into the public domain or equivalent (CC0)
- Even if your work is not picked as the default wallpaper, your submission may still be included in Plasma 5.16 or used with future releases
- You can submit up to 3 entries
- Image files must be in PNG format, preferably accompanied by the source files in a non-proprietary format (Inkscape-compatible SVG, blend, kra, xfc, etc.)
- The minimum size for your submission must be 4K (3840x2160), although 5K (5120x2880) is preferred. Optionally, a phone-sized (1080x2280) wallpaper for Plasma Mobile can also be submitted
- Do not add the Plasma version number into your wallpaper. Any logos or text, such as the (Plasma logo) should be tastefully integrated into the design of the wallpaper itself, not just added on top as text
- A jury made up of members of KDE's Visual Design Group (VDG) and other KDE community members will decide the winner. There will be only one winning wallpaper and the decision of the jury is final
- The organisers will disqualify and erase any entry that is racist, sexist, demeaning or inappropriate in any way. Disqualifications and deletions are final and cannot be recurred
- The deadline for submissions is midnight (UTC) on 29/05/2019
Our friends at Slimbook have kindly donated a Slimbook One v2 as a prize for the winning participant. The One v2 is an eco-friendly, compact machine, measuring only 12.4 x 12.8 x 3.7 cm. It comes with an i5 processor, 8 GB of RAM, and is capable of outputting video in glorious 4K. Naturally, your One will come decked out with the upcoming KDE Plasma 5.16 desktop, your spectacular wallpaper, and a bunch of great software made by KDE.

Help and Feedback
You can ask the VDG for help and feedback any time during the competition! Just join the #kde-vdg channel on Matrix or the freenode IRC channel (which is bridged to the VDG Telegram room, if you prefer Telegram).
Also check out the discussion in the competition's subforum to get tips and feedback.
Previous Wallpapers for Inspiration
Previous wallpapers, made by the artist Ken Vermette, can be found on this page. This is just meant to help you design the wallpaper, and following the style is not mandatory. Here are the most recent ones:
Cluster (Plasma 5.14 & 5.15)
Kokkini (Plasma 5.13)
Opal (Plasma 5.11 & 5.12)
Cascade (Plasma 5.10)
Canopée (Plasma 5.9)
Bizmuth (Plasma 5.8)
Current Entries
You can download the full quality of all entries compressed using this link.
A tiny edited shot of the entrance of a house in Moscow by vanushwashere
Wallpaper submission #1 and #2 by Povibi
Core, Kepler and K612 by veggero
KDE Plasma Nebula 5K Wallpaper by chenson
Horizon by joedavis
Amoeba and Origami by tomasvejvoda
woof #1 and #2 by josepho
Rainbow Banana and Triangularity by kzeller
Peaking Galaxy, Breeze Papers by sirmentio
Poly by opekope2
Tiled Mascot and Snowy Mountain by kwhali
3 papers #1, #2 e #3 by 3dsf
Blue Moon by CarvalhoMat
Hexalens by jonasb
Mountains during dusk by chpie
Overcoming by wesmith
Pure Awesomeness by magunas8
Mountain Lake, Mountain Lake Night and Tesseract by m4TZ
Starry dusk on Matterhorn by Riusma
KDE Proud Redeux and Plasma Star, sKooling by distrobro
Remember a Day and Mirage and Inclined by ivan
Raindrops, Water Drops, Water Drops 2 by davidmoore
Geometryistic and Atlas (with and without texture), Flux (with and without texture) by kde-ivanam
https://i.postimg.cc/DzkZyVP1/Geometryi ... new-01.png
Wallpapers Submission #1, #2 and Circular by sharazali
KDE Theater wall by gacosta
Dark Hexagons by luizotavio
Morning by hexleyio
Blue Plasma and Planet-X by rinha
Spectral, in versions Shadow, Twilight, Light by klorax
Symmetric Chime, Claw Chime and Skewed Chime by extrado
Isometric Plane by delsa
Orbz1 and Orbz2 by tuxlink
海辺, Private Space, Little Shell by manko
Icospheres by cybercow
4m 01 by 4m
Safe Landing by I\'m Louis
Leviathan, Ice Cream Breeze and Alberta by dikasetyaprayogi
Bubbles by ryanobernie
DemosceneIsAlive by bodqhrohro
Magnetic by bogdan_c
Dream Set #1, #2 and #3 by AlexSabo
Backyard Lock, Escape the Void and Ocean Sunset by mirdaki
Flat Breeze #1, #2 and #3 by Quiralta
'Future Rays, Horizon and Birth of the Lights by joseb
Ice Cold with and without penguins by santiagocezar
Kauil by lilianar
конкурс обоев by nvoronina
Abstract KDE by sakenassanov
Lonely Mountain by blu.256
Plasmaland, Ocean by farid
Konstellation #1 and #2 by fperez
Crystal Valley by Ishoravi
Interspatial Transport Plasma version 1 and 2 by DaniiDragon
Pampas by tortuljuandiego
Geometric by OscarOswaldoNR
Kaecius by shelcod
Colours of the Earth, Causeway and Pipes by CylinderDude
Future by damdurer
Abandoned Airport by michailtokmakov
Woodpile by juzagorodneva
NoFall by Pyroman
Ayla Wallpaper by aylapa
Aroa Wallpaper by aroapa
Liquid Plasma and Cell by komordor
Sakura by mallgrab
Sky by kikox
Triangle Space (verison 1 and 2) by Xrott
Kumulus by jimted
Tulip Love, Secluded in the Mountains and City Across a River by appadeia
Lost Forever, Scented and Candy by pewzers
Aeropolis by lilianar
Slant by therockydoo
River, Scatter, Scatter Dark by muffintops
Waves by ttttiee