Building KDE Frameworks
KDE Frameworks Coordination
Welcome to the main coordination page of the KDE Frameworks teams!
This area of the wiki is organized around two main sections:
- the global section where one can find the current development effort going on across all frameworks (named epics) and the policies which apply to all the KDE Frameworks offering.
- the framework specifics section where one can find the current development effort on a specific framework (named features) and which policies it applies;
Important: We're still busy bees working on KDE Frameworks 5.0, so only the global section is in effect for now. Help is welcome to complete KDE Frameworks 5.0.
Global work document
- Epics Dashboard
- Policies
- Terminology
- Proposed Git Workflow (still up for discussion, not in effect yet)
- Porting notes
- Getting Started
- Coinstallability with KDElibs 4
- Guidelines for creating a new framework
Framework Areas
TBD, KDE Frameworks 5.0 being on-going work, please check the Epics Dashboard.
On the Meetings page you find more information about recent and future meetings and their logs.