KDE Visual Design Group

This is the community wiki for the KDE VDG.
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Active participation in design discussions takes place on the KDE forums. You can also reach the VDG on IRC at #kde-vdg
If you're planning to design a user interface for a QWidgets-based, desktop-only application, first consult the Classic KDE Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). If you are planning an application which runs on both desktop and mobile, consult the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines (HIG).
For creating mockups that match the design of the Breeze widget theme, we have created a Mockup Toolkit.
The primary purpose of this wiki is to capture the results of those design discussions in a permanent place for future reference.
- Plasma Logo Contest
- Icon HIG clean-up project
- Calamares - a Linux installer
- Music Player - a music and media player
- Image Viewer - a tool to view, sort and apply basic manipulations to images
- Muon Discover - A software library explorer and installation manager.
- LibreOffice Breeze theme
- System Settings Application - New design work for the System Settings application. This does not include redesigns of the individual kcms - just the System Settings "container" application itself.
- Plasma 5 Desktop Configuration - Design considerations for Plasma 5 desktop configuration
- Plasma 5 Desktop Layout - Design considerations for a default desktop layout
- Megathemes - one place to control all visuals.
- Plasma Mobile - Design work for Plasma Mobile
- Plasma Activities - Design work on Activities
- Unified Login - Work on login from Grub to Ksplash
- Gestures - Design for touch-gesture input in Plasma