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Show new changes starting from 23:37, 4 December 2024
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4 December 2024

     23:37  Kexi/Releases/Kexi 2.6 diffhist +64 Jstaniek talk contribs
 m   22:55  Kexi/Releases/Kexi 2.4 Beta 6 diffhist 0 Jstaniek talk contribs
 m   22:33  Kexi/Releases/Kexi 2.3 diffhist +21 Jstaniek talk contribs
     20:47  Kexi/Releases/1‎‎ 6 changes history −102 [Jstaniek‎ (6×)]
20:47 (cur | prev) +1 Jstaniek talk contribs (→‎0.9)
20:47 (cur | prev) +18 Jstaniek talk contribs (→‎1.0)
20:46 (cur | prev) +17 Jstaniek talk contribs (→‎0.9)
20:46 (cur | prev) −2 Jstaniek talk contribs (→‎1.1)
20:45 (cur | prev) −16 Jstaniek talk contribs (→‎1.1)
20:44 (cur | prev) −120 Jstaniek talk contribs (→‎1.1)
     10:41  Plasma/Wayland Known Significant Issues‎‎ 3 changes history +108 [Ngraham‎ (3×)]
10:41 (cur | prev) +1 Ngraham talk contribs ( is fixed in Qt 6.9.0)
10:37 (cur | prev) −122 Ngraham talk contribs ( is fixed in Plasma 6.2)
10:33 (cur | prev) +229 Ngraham talk contribs (Mark color management issue as fixed in Plasma 6.3)