This is a new thing I (Mario) would like to try this year. At the end of every day everybody should take some minutes to write what she or he has done or learned this day at the Randa Meetings. Just some words or a sentence or a link to his or her blog post ;-).
Saturday, 9th of August
Your name
Your comment or link to your blog post
Aleix Pol
Met with the team, some KDevelop 5 hacking
Christian Esken
High-DPI support.
Valorie Zimmerman
met with team, created logins, sample chapters, discussed plans
Bruno Friedmann
met with team, setup computer's rooms, help here and there
Cristian Oneț
arrived, met people
Anton Kreuzkamp
Fixed some basic stuff in QmlWeb, I broke before.
Felix Rohrbach
Started porting GluonCreator to Qt5/KF5
Arjen Hiemstra
Arrival, planning discussions, some work on GluonInput. Merge Qt 5 branch to master.
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Arrival and porting of GluonSmarts library to Qt5 and the new CMake system
Myriam Schweingruber
arrived rather late, tried to work, bad connections, went to bed rather early, closed a few obsolete bugs.
Till Theato
Familiarizing with the refactored code (refactoring branch) again and some initial documentation of it
Kevin Funk
Clang integration: Make it possible to show uses of macro definitions. KDevplatform-related changes: Resolve inter-library dependencies by splitting up the kdevplatformlanguage library into more managable parts
Sunday, 10th of August
Your name
Your comment or link to your blog post
Aleix Pol
Lots of discussions got done (see, KDE SDK page), not much got done.
Christian Esken
Improve "Select Master Channel" dialog :
Valorie Zimmerman
met with Frameworks devels, discussed plans, cloned git repo [kde:scratch/garg/book], began editing content
Bruno Friedmann
cloned git repo, began creating cover's book drafts, welcome new french comers, publish the sat-sun picture made by Françoise on G+ profile :-)
Cristian Oneț
KDE SDK on Windows meeting, started moving away KMyMoney from KDELibs4Support deprecated classes, updating my Windows frameworks build
Harald Sitter
Hackin' & Slashin'. Started to write a volume control application directly based on PulseAudio. Currently still working on the non-gui bits putting Qtness on top of the PulseAudio API. Discussed possibility of abandoning most of the Phonon 5 backend architecture and basing it primarily on libvlc.
Rohan Garg
Discussed plans for the book, started writing one of the first chapters, participated in the KDE SDK tooling discussion as well as the third party app developer story around KDE Frameworks 5
Andreas Cord-Landwehr
First KF5 porting session for Artikulate: it builds.
Anton Kreuzkamp
Fixed some basic stuff in QmlWeb, I broke before. Implemented support for attached properties (turned out to be a 10 minutes effort).
David Narvaez
Advanced Kig's port to Frameworks, only a couple of issues awa from a complete compilation
Arjen Hiemstra
Ported GluonGraphics to Qt5. Continued work on GluonInput.
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Porting of GluonSmarts editor to Qt5
Myriam Schweingruber
triaged 84 Bugs, half Phonon, half Amarok
Felix Rohrbach
Continued to port GluonCreator, finished its library port
Daniel Vrátil
triaging phonon-gstreamer bugs, trying to actually fix some of them
Till Theato
more documentation on the refactoring branch, discussions on its architecture and individual parts of it, moving around parts of the old code to gain a better overview
Holger Kaelberer
Arrived and enjoyed the view on the alps ;-) Finished traffic port. Fixed some bugs.
Calin Cruceru
Solved some problems regarding KML standards and continued polishing on the Annotate Plugin in Marble.
Kevin Funk
Porting work on kdevplatform/kdevelop towards Frameworks
Monday, 11th of August
Your name
Your comment or link to your blog post
Aleix Pol
More discussions, CMake Dependencies script.
Valorie Zimmerman
Bruno Friedmann
Fix external customers trouble, KDE book finish svg template and markdown text file, continue to publish picture album on G+
Françoise Wybrecht & Lucie Robin
Writing Lucie interview for, Start making video interview of participants and groups : aka create the Press Randa Team :-)
Arjen Hiemstra
Finished GluonInput rewrite. Discussed GluonAudio plans. Started work on proper plugin loading system.
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Begin work on node editor for Gluon (based on ALGOholic's and NukeEngine's work)
Cristian Oneț
Updated and pushed KMyMoney Windows build scripts (mpir, alkimia, kmymoney) so now KMyMoney using frameworks can be build on Windows (using MSVC 2013). Continued porting away from KDELibs4Support. Built Kate on Windows and submitted the fixes which were needed to do this.
Harald Sitter
Dicussed possibility of automated dependency generation based on CMake data. Worked on pulseaudio based volume control . Discussed KMix KF5 port possibility.
David Narvaez
Ported enough of Kig's code to KDE Frameworks to be able to compile the whole application. Currently not starting properly and missing the KUniqueApplication behavior.
Felix Rohrbach
Finished GluonCreator port, still some bugs with the loading of plugins. Discussed the GluonAudio design and started a rewrite of it.
Daniel Vrátil
moar phonon-gstreamer triaging, actually fixing a bug, some not-really-related-to-phonon work on KScreen
Myriam Schweingruber
more bug triaging, almost only Amarok, made a bit harder due to connectivity problems, only 41 bugs triaged
Till Theato
even more dicussions, itererating through all the components, initially hacking some aspects of the discussed concepts into the old code
Christian Esken
Started the KDE Frameworks 5 port. Main work was on the build files. Next step will be code porting.
Andreas Cord-Landwehr
Artikulate compiles on top of KF5.
Simon Wächter
Ported the KDevelop App Template Wizard to KF5 and fixed several unit tests
Anton Kreuzkamp
Adding keyboard handling to QmlWeb.
Holger Kaelberer
Discussed admin mode design. Started imageid port. Saw some nice edu applications
Calin Cruceru
Made possible the loading of OSM files in the Edit Mode in Marble. Committed the Cut/Copy actions on graphic items (polygons, placemarks, ground overlays, polylines).
Kevin Funk
Fixing up unittests in kdevelop/kdevplatform for Frameworks
Tuesday, 12th of August
Your name
Your comment or link to your blog post
David Narvaez
Kig finally running on Frameworks :D
Cristian Oneț
Continued porting KMyMoney away from KDELibs4Support (200 deprecation warnings to go). Fixed the following Frameworks on Windows issues: loading KDE plugins, loading KXmlGui rc files, loading oxygen icons.
Denis Steckelmacher
Restoring all the features of the KF5-based QML/JS KDevelop plugin, and addition of information in (not yet online)
Till Theato
discussions now focus on ui code design, more moving of code from big classes to better suiting smaller classes
Christian Esken
Worked on 15 KMix bugs, closing 10 of them
Harald Sitter
Discussed release scripts we use, magic source build tools we might want to have and possible UI design for the Plasma volume control worked on previously. Released Phonon, Phonon GStreamer, Phonon VLC 4.8 beta.
Bruno Friedmann
Work with Françoise on the Lucie interview for, Merge back suggestions for the book cover from vdg forums and push the changes svg source, png preview, pdf high resolution to repository. Say goodbye to everbody, and publish last album on G+
Andreas Cord-Landwehr
Artikulate runs on top of KF5.
Simon Wächter
Ported the KDevelop File Template Wizard to KF5 and fixed several unit tests
Anton Kreuzkamp
Finishing keyboard handling, adding XmlListModel to QmlWeb.
Myriam Schweingruber
Explored website migration for ako fom Drupal 6.x to 7.x, triage more Amarok bugs
Holger Kaelberer
Presented GCompris to the Edu group. Updated GCompris high level scetch of the admin feature. Continued imageid port.
Calin Cruceru
Pushed to master the changes which make possible paths drawing and customization. Also fixed some bugs.
Valorie Zimmerman
Continued to work with developers, edit their writing, find more existing documentation we can reuse, and extend our tooling.
Felix Rohrbach
Rewrite of Gluon Audio. It now uses OpenAL directly (before, we used alure), decoding is plugin-based. A first decoding plugin is based on QtMultimedia.
Kevin Funk
Moving the "Switch Declaration/Definition" feature from oldcpp to kdevplatform to make it usable for all languages. Introduced basic Objective-C support in kdev-clang.
Arjen Hiemstra
Finished plugin loading system, then continued the work on porting Gluon Creator where Felix left off. For starters, ported welcome dialog to QtQuick2.
Wednesday, 13th of August
Your name
Your comment or link to your blog post
Denis Steckelmacher
better, enhancements in QML/JS
Cristian Oneț
More port away from KDELibs4Support (almost done, only KDialog and KHBox stuff remaining) of KMyMoney plus some runtime fixes. Properly fixed icon and other resources loading on Windows.
David E. Narvaez
Engaged in fixing QTBUG-4470 , which blocks the release of Geogebra support in Kig (GSoC 2014 project), not much progress so far :(
Till Theato
More code cleanup, discussion with Mario on how to move Kdenlive closer to KDE
Simon Eugster
Up to present: Kdenlive architecture drawing and discussions
Princess Butterfly
Started writing a KCM for pulseaudio. Discusssed this and that and other things.
Valorie Zimmerman
Got working, created the landing page, and continued to work with Frameworks devels.
Christian Esken
Optimize new-user-experience. First start selects most simple controls to show, but makes sure no Tab starts blank without controls. Add "--failback" for resetting the GUI, useful e.g. for bug reports.
Andreas Cord-Landwehr
Work on the Rocs KF5 port and its graph library refactoring.
Felix Rohrbach
A full day of fighting with OpenAL and the decoder to get a working example of playing music.
Kevin Funk
Fixing up the Grep Dialog in kdevplatform, fixing issues that popped up due to differences in event-handling in Qt5
Arjen Hiemstra
Continued work on making Gluon Creator work with Qt5. Made loading KParts work properly.
Thursday, 14th of August
Your name
Your comment or link to your blog post
Valorie Zimmerman
We entered the undone work on the white board into Kanboard tasks, edited some more, & etc.
Simon Wächter
Wrote a handbook entry for Valorie
Denis Steckelmacher
Fixing bugs in, adding "problems" to QML/JS (things get underlined in red if a module is not found, a type is wrong, etc)
Christian Esken
Completed KDE Frameworks 5 migration for KMix. Dual-build support: KDE4 and KF5 builds can be done from the same sources.
Cristian Oneț
Did some porting away from KDELibs4Support, found that dropping KDELibs4Support is not yet feasible, wrote this summary for the KMyMoney community:
Princess Butterfly
Continued working on PulseAudio KCM, exposes more models, expanded existing models to cover more of the feaures.
Andreas Cord-Landwehr
Research some QQuickWidget bugs, create testing app to reproduce crash, working on Rocs porting, discussed application websites (for Edu and also in general, keyword "Application Hub").
Felix Rohrbach
Discussed the future of Gluon, including a roadmap for the next release.
Kevin Funk
Attempting to fix a hang-on-exit issue in KDevelop
Till Theato
Documentation on and concepts behind timeline operations.
Arjen Hiemstra
Started porting other plugins to the new plugin loading system. Added several impovements to plugin loading.
Friday, 15th of August
Your name
Your comment or link to your blog post
Valorie Zimmerman
Catching the train out at 0 dark thirty. See you at Akademy! to contribute.
Cristian Oneț
Will be leaving after packing up, helping with the stuff that needs to be done with the house before leaving and saying goodbye.
Princess Butterfly
Dematerializing at 9 or so.