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From KDE Community Wiki

Engaging Members of the Press

Press Channel

The press channel is an invite-only mailing list that allow KDE to keep journalists informed and give those who work with us a leg up on those less connected.

KDE sends updates as to the mailing list whenever something of particular interest occurs, but not more often than once a week. These updates contain links to supporting information and materials to make the journalist's job easy and the information published high quality. They are also kept very short, so journalists can check within seconds if it's interesting to them.

The press channel also gets embargoed scoops before bigger releases, so we can get broad and high quality zero-day coverage.

This serves KDE very well as a means to get timely coverage since we can push news directly onto journalists' tables with appropriate lead time rather than hoping they will pull the information from our web sites, blogs, etc.

If you happen to know someone (blogger, journalist) who would be a good addition to this list, email kde-ev-marketing@kde.org with their contact information.