Promo/Events/Parties/KDE 6th Megarelease
This page is for KDE's 6th Megarelease release party listings. Please follow the following template for readability and keep it sorted.
KDE's 6th Megarelease is planned for February 28 2024, of course there is no need to celebrate the same day.
We use the term "party" but it can be anything you want, a dinner, a meeting in a cafeteria, a talk in your local Free Software group, be creative!
If you have questions email or
An example of how you need to enter the information is given below :
- Date: DD/MM/YY (preferably within two weeks of the anniversary)
- Time: 00:00 - 00:00
- Place: 12 Krazy Ave, Krazytown, Krazyland (link to map)
- Organizer: Airplane (email)
- Other info:
- Bring your own beer!
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Brian
- Melissa
- What are we doing?
- Melissa will give a talk about cool KDE srugg, demoing new features
- have a few beers
- We sing KDE songs and play guitar
- eat cake with a nice 20 + KDE logo on it
- have fun
- Date: Friday 1 March 2024
- Time:
- Dinner: 19:00-20:15
- Party: 20:30-22:00+
- Places:
- Dinner: Karabach Holzkohlegrill (Azerbaijan), Hermannstr. 198, 12049 Berlin, U8 Leinestrasse station
- Party: 'offline' (website), Lichtenrader Str. 49, 12049 Berlin, U8 Boddinstrasse station
- Organizers:
- Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
- Lydia Pintscher
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come; make sure Lydia or Joseph has your contact info or join so we can contact you when we finalize date/time/place!)
- Lydia Pintscher
- Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
- Aleix Pol
- Aniqa Khokhar
- Carl Schwan
- Volker
- Michal R. (vadorovsky)
- Shinjo Park
- Eike Hein
- Tobias D. (party only)
- Minh Tran
- Leonard Menzel
- 4 gnomies
- Keywan
- What are we doing?
- Eat, drink, be merry
- Game ideas:
- Date: 2024 February 29
- Time: 19:00 - 21:00
- Place: Newer Than New location: SUSE Office, Frankenstraße 146, 90461 Nürnberg
Subway/Bus Station "Frankenstraße". Car to "Frankencampus". Follow walking path as highlighted here
- The main entry door wouldn't open automatically, if no SUSE person is there waiting for you look for a KDE poster with a phone number or QR code to scan
- Organizers:
- Klaas Freitag (
- Dirk Müller (
- Who is coming?
- Dirk Müller
- Cornelius Schumacher
- Hannah von Reth
- Klaas Freitag
- Tobias Fella
- Robert Simai
- Ignaz Forster
- Fabian Vogt
- Remko van Wagensveld
- Christopher Hock
- Nico Krapp
- Christian Hagenest
- Marvin Friedrich
- Marc-Elias Travitzky
- Robert Richardson
- Kai Uwe Broulik
- Janik Haag
- Peter Lehmann
- Rafael Sadowski
- (David Redondo, if I can make it)
- Cathy Hu
- Nicolas Fella
- What are we doing?
- Presentations (option to attend presentations virtually):
- Refresher on KDE History (Cornelius Schumacher)
- Plasma 6.0 (Kai Uwe Broulik)
- What's new in KDE 6 (the non-Plasma bits, anyone, please ;)
- Drinks, chat and snacks
- Date: February 28, 2024
- Time: 18:00
- Place: A Grund (1082 Budapest, Nagy Templom utca 30.)
- More info:
- Who is coming?
- Áron (aronkvh)
- Meskó Balázs (meskobalazs)
- Kiszel Kristóf (ulysses)
- More people on GetTogether
- What are we doing?
- Demo of the new features in Plasma
- Informal chat afterwards
[ Slides/photos from the party ]
- Date: 2024 March 4
- Time: 19:00 - 21:00+
- Place: Računalniški muzej (Computer Museum), Celovška cesta 111 Ljubljana
- Organizers:
- Jure Repinc ( - see this Mastodon thread for updates
- Matija Šuklje (
- Who is coming? (add yourself, helps us know how many snacks/drinks to buy, you can also RSVP on Mobilizon event)
- Jure Repinc
- Matija Šuklje
- Mihael S. (verjetno)
- ...
- What are we doing?
- Presentation: Refresher on KDE History, show new KDE Plasma 6 features
- Try the old KDE 1.1 and Pingo Linux on a real old computer
- Play games on Steam Deck (gaming handheld coming with GNU/Linux and KDE software)
- Drinks and snacks
- Just chat
- Date: March 2nd
- Time: 19:00 for drinks, 21:00 for dinner
- Place: Craft Beer ArteSants, carrer Guadiana, 08014-Barcelona
- Organizer: Albert Astals Cid
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come, make sure Albert has your contact so he can contact you when we finalize date/time/place!)
- Albert Astals Cid
- Josep M. Ferrer
- Carlos Cabezas
- Albert Vaca Cintora
- What are we doing?
- Drinks & Dinner - Email to be told if the plans change at last minute
- Date: 26th February
- Time: 20:30
- Place: Mesón Astorga
- Organizer: Agustín Benito (, Paul Brown (
- Who is coming? (Please add yourself to the list or ping directly Agustin or Paul since we will need to make a reservation since it is a popular restaurant, close to the main train station in Málaga (María Zambrano))
- Agustín Benito
- Paul Brown
- Antonio Larrosa
- Alberto Planas Domínguez
- Daniel Garcia Moreno
- Jonathan Riddell
- What are we doing?
- Dinner in a good restaurant specialized in grilled meat. We will celebrate like there is no Plasma 7 :-)
- Team picture
- Date: 9th March
- Time: 10:00
- Place: Linux Center
- Organizer: Alejandro López (), Baltasar Ortega (
- Who is coming? Please register at Linux Center or ping directly Baltasar [1]. There are limited places because we have limited places at the restaurant.
- Alejandro López
- Borja Lopez
- Baltasar Ortega
- 1 annomymous
- up to a maximum capacity of 33 people
- What are we are going?
- We will raffle T-shirts
- Two talks
- Bash to surf Linux "like a PRO" by Borja López
- News about Plasma 6, the new and improved desktop from the KDE Community by Baltasar Ortega
- After we eat a paella
- Finally make a Team picture
- I need to register?
- Yes, you must register at Linux Center
- Date: 29th Feb
- Time: 19:00
- Place: The Haymakers, High Street, Cambridge
- Organizers:
- David Edmundson
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come or drop me an email)
- David Edmundson
- Emil Velikov
- What are we doing?
- Going to the pub, have a nice cold pint and a hot pizza, and avoid looking at the incoming bugzilla emails
- Date: 08/03/2024 (2024-03-08)
- Time: 15:00 - 20:00+
- Place: Suite 33B, 999 du Collège, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H4C 2S3
- Language / Langue: English / Français
- More info: currently ask on #foulab on (there are other ways to contact here) and see the events during february & march.
- What are we doing?
- Demonstration of the new Plasma 6 features & bug fixes.
- Exploration of the lesser-known apps that are part of KDE (like KGeography, Boko…).
- Play around with older Plasma versions? It could be fun!
- Hopefully convince some people to move away from proprietary software.
United States
New York City
- Date: 17/03/2024 (March 17th)
- Time: 12:00 - 18:00 (Noon to 6 PM)
- Place: Manhattan, NY, USA
- Organizer: Philip Cohn-Cort (
- Other info:
- Please visit the KDE Network USA channel on matrix to coordinate.
- Minor trouble with event venue, exact location will be added at least 48 hours before event.
- What are we doing?
- Philip and Simon will host
- There'll be a device with an install of KaOS, with Plasma 6
- Maybe chat about KDE Network USA?
- We will have a delicious lunch out (available from noon to 2 PM, RSVP 24 hours in advance)
- Tiny KDE Connect sprint afterward, all are welcome
Republic of Korea
- Date: 03/10/2024 (2024-03-10) (Delayed from 03/03)
- Time: PM 2:00 - PM 7:00 (UTC+09:00)
- Place: Central Park Tower 23th Floor Fast Five, 198-2 Hangangno 2(i)-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
- Language / Langue: English / Korean
- Delaying Inform : The request for reservation of room has not processed. The event room schedule has not occupied. Unavoidably the event is delayed.
- More info: This event is on Seoul North Western Linux Meeting Group, Yong San. To manage seats for participants, plesae mail to
- What are we doing?
- Live building KDE 6 on compile cluster
- Code Review KDE 6 Codes and repositories
- Discuss how to bring information about KDE 6
- Date: 27/02/2024 (2024-02-27)
- Time: PM 2:00 - PM 5:00 (UTC+05:45)
- Place: (Archi Courtyard) Purwanchal Campus, Dharan
- Language : English / Nepali
- Organizer: Spandan Guragain (
- Who is coming?
- Spandan (scientiac)
- Students from the campus.
- What are we doing?
- Introduce KDE Network Nepal
- Talk about FOSS and KDE
- Have Fun
- Date: 08/03/2024 (2024-03-08)
- Time: 18:30 - 20:30 (UTC+09:00)
- Place: Medidata Tokyo Office (English | Japanese )
- Address: JP Tower 29th Floor, 2 Chome-7-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0005
- Google Maps
- Organizer: Mathieu Jobin (somekool/webchat:
- Other info:
- Connpass (Please apply from this link to attend this release party)
- KDE Discuss
- Japan KDE Webchat:!$ ( )
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Mathieu Jobin (somekool)
- Please refer Connpass event page for other attendees
- What are we doing?
- ...
- have fun
- Date: 23/03/2024 14:00-17:00 (UTC+8)
- Place: Hangzhou Future Science Town
- Address: Hangzhou Future Science Town, 5th Floor 506, Hangzhou, China (杭州未来科技城国际人才园, 五楼 506)
- AMap
- Organizer:
- Burgess Chang (
- Zhiqiang (
- Who is coming?
- Hangzhou Linux User/Fans
- ...
- What are we doing?
- Talk about FOSS/FLOSS
- Introduce Plasma 6
- Have fun
- ...