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Falkon (formerly QupZilla)

Sponsor: Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>

QupZilla is a QtWebEngine based cross-platform web browser.

During the Akademy 2017 Konqueror BoF, the ex-maintainer of Konqueror, David Faure, proposed to integrate QupZilla into KDE in order to replace the aging Konqueror. (His reasoning is that QupZilla is already much more advanced in terms of webbrowsing features, and there is almost nobody working in Konqueror, so there is no point in duplicating efforts).

During incubation new name "Falkon" was chosen.


  • David Rosca <nowrep@gmail.com> - project maintainer
  • Seyyed Razi Alavizadeh <s.r.alavizadeh@gmail.com>

Manifesto Compliance Plan


Open Governance

At the moment development/bugtracking/... happens on github:


The maintainer ok'd that this is moved over to KDE infrastructure during the incubation and the normal commit rights apply.

Free Software

GPL v3+


No barrier known toward the contributors.


Using state-of-the-art web rendering engine, providing a cross-platform browser. Nothing too innovative but something at the moment missing in the KDE Applications.

Common Ownership

All clear no known barrier, anyone can contribute directly.

End-User Focus

Web browser => clearly targeted to our normal userbase


  • Code of Conduct: TODO
  • Contributor License Agreement: none
  • Established practices: QMake + Qt like most, code reviews except for most active core contributors
  • Source materials are be hosted on our git infrastructure, https://cgit.kde.org/falkon.git/
  • Online services, not on KDE infrastructure:
    • website TODO: (daily backup on KDE)
  • KDE Licensing policy: TODO
  • KDE branding guidelines: no reference to KDE yet
  • No patents (as far as known)


No brainer, already participating in Randa, posting on planet, etc.

Candidate ready

Status Description Notes
DONE Project description
DONE Project team
DONE Manifesto compliance plan


Status Description Notes
DONE Repository and code needs to be migrated https://cgit.kde.org/falkon.git/
DONE Mailing list available https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/falkon
DONE Website available https://falkon.org
DONE Active community Is there, see successful interaction with e.g. translation/VDG team
DONE Manifesto compliance Project is active with normal workflow since months this is done