Get Involved/development/IDE configuration/CLion
CLion is a proprietary IDE for C++.
Install CLion
On Arch Linux install the clion.
Open a new project in CLion. Locate it to the folder with CMakeLists.txt. It will ask how do you want to open the project. Select CMake project.
In CMake configuration, choose Debug build. In the Generator, set "Let Cmake decide". In the Build directory, insert the build directory path, for example, "/home/username/kde/build/dolphin". Press OK.
In the run/debug target (in the upper right corner of main window), select "dolphin".
Expand it and choose Edit.
The Run/Debug Configurations window will appear. In the Environment variables field click edit button.
Add variables, that you can find in build directory, for example, in "/home/username/kde/build/dolphin/".
In the Toolchains you can use bundled cmake and gdb. In Arch Linux their versions are very recent and not yet supported by CLion. They can be installed with clion-cmake and clion-gdb.