Get Involved/development/IDE configuration/Qt Creator
Qt Creator is an IDE from Qt.
Qt Creator and kdesrc-build
After you configure kdesrc-build and you can correctly build a KDE projects such as kcalc.
Edit ~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc . It should look like:
global ...
include-dependencies true
kdedir ~/kde/usr
source-dir ~/kde/src
build-dir ~/kde/build
cmake-options -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
The line above is important in order to use the debugger from Qt Creator.
Make sure you have the correct number on the line "num-cores ".
Build kcalc, make sure there are no errors: kdesrc-build --include-dependencies kcalc
E.g. install Qt Creator from your current Linux distro's packages. E.g. apt install qtcreator.
Start Qt Creator. E.g. from a terminal qtcreator &