< Plasma
This is currently a brainstorming page, feel free to add things to it that may not end up staying. Discussion is happening on the plasma-devel at mailing list.
- QML++
- Activities advancements
- Panels associated with activities
- Add an activities button to the default panel arrangement
- Drag taskbar entries on activity manager icons to assign?
- System tray:
- tasks widget integration for the "application" tasks, out of the tray by default
- xembed tasks hidden in the popup by default
- property extended from the standard: what plasmoid can represent this task, use it for keyboard layout
- grouping of network icons in a single one (with icons+lionmail in the popup?)
- multimedia category? (grouped, + nowplaying in the popup?)
Use activities, use it as "guinea pig" for qml plasmoids, device profiles for Package etc
the shell itself for tablet makes more sense to be the mobile one.. merge mobile and netbook shells?
- Containment for "lesson plans"
- Network (web?) service that pushes lesson plans
- Monitor app
KDE Applications
- Activity awareness
- first release of selkie? first prototype of qml plasmoids shipping in selkie packages
- Redesign of desktop activity contents
- new containment? maybe grid desktop?
- Integrated search?
- merge krunner, desktop toolbox, activity manager...
- always show that window in the present windows effect
- Switch from kickoff to ?
Classroom profiles for netbook/tablet/mobile
KDE applications
Identifying common places where applications could use qml/plasma widgets in their main ui. example: dock widgets?