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Revision as of 21:42, 30 October 2018 by Riddell (talk | contribs)

KDE at FOSDEM 2019

FOSDEM 2019, 2 - 3 February, ULB Campus Solbosch, Brussels, Belgium

We have a stand confirmed.

KDE Promo work item


For quick on-the-ground coordination we have a Telegram group you can join, Co4SehLO3h-rzBaJJx0rWQ .


Please add yourself and your details if you are coming

Name Available to help on the stall? Interested in Saturday evening meal Accommodation Mobile


2017 wrapup has figures we had 200 stickers which went quickly

What? Who? Status
Stickers ordering jospoortvliet / transport jriddell 10K 2*7 cm Neon + 10K 3cm square K-logo
Name badges jriddell I have a bunch from previous years
Demo of KDE Neon jriddell jriddell will bring a slimbook 2
Demo of Plasma Mobile jriddell jriddell will bring a flashed Nexus 5X
Table cloth d_ed david has this for freenode live
Hanger stick jriddell I have a handle that sticks to window behind stall we can hang stuff from
Swag (T-shirts, etc) ? ?
Roll-up banner d_ed David has one for freenode live
Krita DVDs jriddell I have about 6
Duct Tape or similar jriddell
Tie wraps jriddell
Power adapters jriddell
Phone chargers jriddell
Power strips jriddell
Payments jriddell I want to get a Paypal Here for card payments

Friday Drinks

Meet at FOSDEM beer event, Delerium?

Saturday Drinks

Book same bar in Grand Place used previously? Jonathan has enquired. In 2017 €200 buffet was sufficient. NextCloud may be interested in coming which would add maybe 15 more people.