Plasma/libplasma2/API Review/ContainmentActions
Related changes in ContainmentPrivate
localActionPlugins and globalActionsPlugins get removed, only plugin instances will stay here. all bookeeping of containmentActions will be kept in Corona, indicized by containmentType
All properties and invokables are removed.
ContainmentActionsSource goes, as the concept of source in general.
asStatus | Action | Method |
DONE | Keep | explicit ContainmentActions(QObject * parent); |
DONE | Keep | ~ContainmentActions(); |
DONE | Keep | protected ContainmentActions(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args);
asStatus | Action | Method | |
TO DO | Remove | QString name() const; | <{{{3}}}> |
TO DO | Remove | QString pluginName() const; | <{{{3}}}> |
TO DO | Remove | QString icon() const; | <{{{3}}}> |
TO DO | Add | KPluginInfo pluginInfo() const; | <{{{3}}}>
asStatus | Action | Method | |
DONE | Keep | config() | |
TO DO | Virtual | void restore(const KConfigGroup &config); | <{{{3}}}> |
DONE | Keep | virtual void save(KConfigGroup &config); | |
DONE | Change Signature | virtual QWidget *createConfigurationInterface(QWidget *parent); -> becomes void createConfigurationInterface(QWindow *parent) | |
TO DO | Remove | virtual void configurationAccepted(); | <{{{3}}}>