Promo/Events/Release Parties/4.5
This page is for KDE SC 4.5 release party listings. Please follow the following template for readability.
If you have questions about organizing a release party you can contact the KDE promo team (kde-promo at or Lydia (lydia at directly.
It'd be great if you would write a short report on the event and send it to kde-promo at, including some photos from the event. We'll then turn it into a dot story!
- Date: DD/MM/YY (preferably within three weeks of release (4. August))
- Time: 00:00LOCAL - 00:00LOCAL
- Place: 12 Krazy Ave, Krazytown, Krazyland (link to map)
- Organizer: Luis (email)
- Other info:
- Bring your own beer!
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Brian
- Melissa
- What are you doing?
- Melissa will give a talk about 4.4
- have a few beers
- have fun
Buenos Aires
- Date: August 7th 2010
- Time: 14:00 - 19:00
- Place: FM La Tribu - Lambaré 850 - Buenos Aires
- Organizer: KDE-AR (KDE Argentina)
- Site:
- Other info: There will be talks, live streaming, live CDs, celebration, beers and you!
- Date: August 7th 2010
- Time: to be confirmed
- Place: La Fabrika - Tucuman 1816 - Rosario - Prov. Santa Fe
- Organizer: KDE-AR (KDE Argentina)
- Site(
- Other info: There will be talks, live CDs, celebration, etc.
- Date: August 4th 2010
- Time: 20:00 - ???
- Place: Cosa Nostra, Hans-Sachs-Gasse 10
- Organizer: Kevin Krammer
- Other info: LUGG Stammtisch
- What are you doing? Have Pizza, Beer (some even have Cappuchino and Tiramisù) and talk about stuff that comes to our minds
Salvador (BA)
- Date: 07 August 2010
- Time: 20:00 - ???
- Place: Sebo Praia dos Livros - Largo do Porto da Barra
- Organizer: Sandro Andrade <sandroandrade at>
- Who is coming?
- Sandro Andrade
- André Oliveira
- Alex Meira
- Cassio Nobre
- What are you doing?
- Watch the erotic-literary-musical play "A Saga Sexual de Agrippino Motta"
- Beer and snacks
- Meet cool people
- Recite poems
São Paulo (SP)
- Date: Probably 14 August 2010
- Time: 19:00 - ???
- Place: Bar Opção - Av. Paulista
- Organizer: Domingos Teruel <mingomax at>
- Who is coming?
- Domingos Teruel
- Anderson Casimiro
- Julio Cesar
- What are you doing?
- Beer and snacks
- Meet cool people
Belo Horizonte (MG)
- Date: 06/08/2010
- Time: 19:00 - ??
- Place: Frango Frito - R. Guajajaras esquina com R. Juiz de Fora. Barro Preto
- Organizer: KDE-MG (geral at listas dot kde-mg dot org)
- Who is coming?
- Amanda Oliveira
- Daniel Oliveira
- Estefânio
- Felipe Ribeiro
- João Vianna
- Lamarque V. Souza
- Rodolfo
- Samara
- Tulio Magno
- What are you doing?
- have a few beers
- have fun
Teresina (PI)
- Date: 07/08/2010
- Time: 09:30 Local Time
- Place: Filipe's place
- Organizer:
- Other info:
- Who is coming?
- Filipe Saraiva
- Francisco Fernandes
- Aracele Torres
- Bianca de Oliveira
- Leo Magalhães
- Antão Luís
- What are you doing?
- Apresentação da versão 4.5 (Presentation of version 4.5)
- Compilação da versão 4.5 (Compiling version 4.5)
- Macarrão ao molho Quatro Queijos!
- Brejas :) (Beer!)
- Cajuína :D (A typical drink of Piauí)
- Mangueira ;) (A typical alcoholic drink of Piauí)
Alegrete (RS)
- Date: TBD
- Time: TBD
- Place: TBD
- Organizer:
- Other info:
- Who is coming?
- Wagner Reck
- Kenjiro
- Joseane
- put your name here/ coloque seu nome aqui
- What are you doing?
- Apresentação da versão 4.5 (Presentation of version 4.5)
- Cerveja :) (Beer!)
- Chimarrão (A typical drink)
Porto Alegre (RS)
- Date: 07/08/2010
- Time: 20h
- Place: Pinacoteca Café
Rua da República, 409 Cidade Baixa, Porto Alegre / RS
- Organizer:
- Other info:
- Who is coming?
- Camila
- Huberto
- William
- You!
- What are you doing?
- Talk about KDE 4.5!
- Beer!
- More beer and more talk!
Shanghai (PuXi / XuHui)
- Date: 12/08/2010 (2010-08-12)
- Time: 18:00 - 22:00
- Place: HuiJin Dept. Store, 4F, "Atrium" Cafe/Restaurant (XuJiaHui metro station exit 14, walk ~100m north-east on ZhaoJiaBang Rd., enter the HuiJin Dept. Store on the left; 中庭咖啡 汇金店 , 肇嘉浜路1000号汇金百货徐汇店4楼近天钥桥路)
- Organizer: Shanghai Linux User Group / Patrick (mail -at- patrick-nagel -dot- net)
- Other info:
It's actually our regular Shanghai Linux User Group "Hacking thursday" meet-up.
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Patrick
- What are you doing?
- Patrick will show the goodies of KDE 4.5 on his netbook (if the update to 4.5 finished compiling by then ;)
- Eat and drink (food is good and affordable there)
- Have fun :)
Czech Republic
- Date: 06/08/10
- Time: 14:00 - 19:00 + afterparty
- Place: Lihovarska 12, 4. patro
- Organizer: Pavol Rusnak
- Other info:
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Pavol Rusnak
- see facebook event page for some more
- What are you doing?
- ?
- Date: Friday, 27 August
- Time: 17.30
- Place: KDE e.V. office, Linienstr. 141
- Organizer: Claudia Rauch
- Other info: We will have drinks, bread, salad and a barbecue ready, but please bring your own sausages, veggies or other food you would like to eat
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Claudia Rauch
- What are you doing?
- maybe short talks
- fun
- Date: 07/08/10
- Time: 14:00 - 18:30
- Place: teegee, Weststr. 42
- Organizer: Sirko Kempter
- Other info:
- ugh: requires Facebook login!
- openSUSE and KDE party
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Sirko Kemter
- Tobias Koenig
- Stefan Majewsky
- Josef Spillner
- see facebook event page for some more
- What are you doing?
- talks
- fun
- Date: 07/08/10
- Time: 18:00
- Place: Letzte Instant (
- Organizer: Lydia Pintscher (lydia at and Michael Leupold (lemma at
- Other info:
- Places for us have been reserved. If you're attending, please make sure you put your name on the list so I can order more space if needed!
- If you arrive earlier than the rest, ask for the reservation for "Leupold".
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Lydia Pintscher
- Michael Leupold
- Andreas Demmer
- Panagiotis Papadopoulos (aka pano/pano9000)
- Martin Gräßlin
- Michael Zanetti
- Christian Fetzer
- Meinhard MÜller
- Daniel Laidig
- Edward "Hades" Toroshchin
- Tanya Gornak
- Frank Karlitschek
- Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
- Volker Lanz (90% sure to be there)
- Andreas Wüst
- Eckhart Wörner
- What are you doing?
- food and drinks
- fun! :D
- Ride sharing - who's driving, where from, how and when?
- Andreas and Meinhard start from Rhine-Main area to Stuttgart at about 15:30 o'clock, picking up Martin in Mannheim ab 16:30h. Let Andreas (irc: ademmer/ twitter: @ademmer) know if you need a ride!
- Michael will drive from Karlsruhe at around 16:30. Contact me (irc: lemma) if you need a ride. Lydia is aboard.
- Michael and Christian will take the train from Ulm to Stuttgart using a Baden-Württemberg Ticket (27€ for up to 5 persons the whole weekend). Ping me (mzanetti) on IRC if you want to join us.
- Date: 7th of August 2010
- Time: 20:00 - ...
- Place: Kirkeveien 60, Majorstuen
- Organizer: Jesper Thomschutz
- Other info:
- Also celebrating the new flat in the process
- BYOB / Snacks
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Lots of Trolltech/Qt D.F Folks :)
- Date: 6-7 of August 2010
- Time: 12:00 - 24:00
- Place: Cabana Poiana Secuilor (
- Organizer: Libre Software Romania (
- Other info:
- Dinner, BBQ (cheap menu or similar)
- Beers
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- ~ 40 Persons
- Date: Saturday 07/08/2010
- Time: 21:30 - ...
- Place:
- Dionisos Restaurant Grec
- Torrent de l'Olla, 144
- 08012 Barcelona
- Map:,84046.358
- Organizer: Josep Ma. Ferrer (txemaq AT gmail DOT com)
- Other info:
- Dinner
- Beers & fun
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Josep Ma. Ferrer
- Manuel Tortosa
- Aleix Pol
- Víctor Blázquez
- Pedro López-Cabanillas
- CaStarCo
Gossau / St. Gallen
- Date: the 17th of August 2010
- Time: 19:00 - ...
- Place: Restaurant Bierhof, Rorschacher Strasse 34, 9000 St. Gallen (map)
- Organizer: Thomas Thym (ungethymATgmailDOTcom)
- Other info: Together with Linuxtreff St. Gallen (LUG)
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Thomas Thym
- A couple of cool members of Linuxtreff SG
- [enter your name here]
- What are you doing?
- food and drinks
- rock your desktops
- get to know each other
- talk, celebrate and have...
- fun! :D
- Date: probably the 6th or 13th of August 2010
- Time: 19:00 - ...
- Place: somewhere in or around Brig or Visp
- Organizer: Mario Fux (
- Other info:
- Not yet known
United States
Phoenix Arizona
- Date: 28 August 2010
- Time: 17:00 - ???
- Place: Cartel Coffee Labs (225 West University Drive)
- Organizer: Ryan Rix <>
- Other Info:
- Location subject to change
- Who is coming?
- Ryan Rix <>
- What are you doing?
- Just hang out, probably
- Talk about FOSS
- Good coffee, baked goods
- Fedora KDE 4.5 install CD/USB