< Krita
Part-time plan
- Bugs Fixed (end-September - October)
308060 krita Line and Polyline tools ignore opacity and flow values 307769 krita brush outline does not represent brush and leaves artefacts 307588 krita rotation of .gih brushes is broken 304369 krita mask origin is messed up on saving/loading 305782 krita Scale a layer in X axis, then Undo causes a layer has jump left or right 273918 krita The channel docker is broken 294122 krita Filter layers over a transparent background also display their source (minus the filter effect) - 100% replicatable 309099 krita Crash on creating an Adjustment Layer with Blur filter
- Implement a cache for dabs --- DONE
- Implement compositioning using Vc --- DONE (November)
- Implement per-architecture builds for Vc code (for packaging) --- DONE (December)
- Fix failing unittests --- DONE (end-November)
- Bugs Fixed (November - begin-December)
[1] When moving a layer that is fully selected it should not create an empty layer [2] Undo/Redo of Select and Deselect commands sometimes causes a crash [3] Experimental paintop is slow [4] Zoom center is wrong (was: Canvas Interaction feedback) [5] Zoom factor : unify 'mouse wheel zoom' and keyboard zoom ( Ctrl + , and Ctrl - ) [6] Krita color source in brush engine bad behaviour. [7] Move tool no longer moves current layer/layer with content
- Bugs --- yet to be fixed
[8] Transform tool does not giving expected results [9] problems with transform tool: undo, handles, bigger selection [10] 16 and 32 bits float : Layer "lock" when moving exposure [11] transform tool switches back to previous layer on undo