< KDE-WWW | WebWorld2011
Day 1

- lqt can't be solved atm, the extension is not stable atm
- instructions are changed for editing pages
- testing anonymous edits and see if it works out to reach new contributions
- sidebar is changed to reflect easier use
- /en pages are finally fixed!!!!! (niklas)
- slightly changed background/color (eugene)
- translation memory fixed, learns from translators (niklas)
- archived (NS "Archive") pages automagically gets a noindex & nofollow entry in the html header (niklas & matthias)
- toma is evil, we plan to trash capacity to joomla
- new main site, reduce amount of blocks, new structure, new menu, new layout, less content on frontpage
Server side
- stats set up on spider for capacity driven sites, needs to be watched for one month to see if the subdomains even make sense.
- the webteam now has a logo, thanks to eugene