SoK/2024/StatusReport/Sarthak Negi

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Revision as of 00:52, 7 February 2024 by Sarthak (talk | contribs)

Testing and development of KEcoLab

Introduction and Abstract: Sustainability is a key goal for KDE over the next two years. One aspect of this goal is to measure the energy consumption of KDE softwares. To do this, it is necessary to access lab in KDAB, Berlin, which can be done remotely using KEcoLab.

deliverables: - Testing KEcoLab & bug squashing - Integrating measurement workflow in Okular repository - Create tests for KEcolab - Measuring in Wayland

Weekly Progress

WEEK 1 - 2: I've established Selenium on three virtual machines (Kubuntu, Fedora, Ubuntu) for simultaneous testing. I conducted thorough KecoLab testing, identifying and reporting bugs to enhance its quality. Proactive communication was initiated with the Okular team for pipeline integration and with KdeEcoTest contributors regarding Wayland support timelines. Additionally, Also, resolved the dynamic IP issue for Powemeter access, streamlining testing processes.