KDE Science

Coordination page for people interested in KDE Science applications.
Please use the mailing list for discussion of strategy and the forums for help or general chat.
Applications to be listed on KDE.org
Check out KDE for Scientists.
Here we list applications that could feature on a page at kde.org/applications/science - the aim is to make a big list, then we can discuss which ones to include. These can be applications that are and are not part of the Software Compilation, but should be using the KDE Platform
- RKWard
- Step
- Cantor
- Kile
- Okular
- KBibTeX
- KTikZ
- Marble
- Kalzium
- KStars
- Rocs
- kst (current version 2.0.2 Qt-only, but KDE libs will be reintroduced progressively and are even partly available on some platforms)
- Cirkuit
Qt Apps
Apps using the Qt toolkit
- SciDAVis
- Qalculate
- QFitsView
Other Apps
Apps that don't fit the above
- ?