Plasma/Tokamak7/split proposal

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 17:17, 14 March 2014 by Afiestas (talk | contribs)

Proposal for splitting kde-workspace and kde-runtime, this document is a draft

  • Folder, current location
  • Version, when we want to have it ready
  • Repository, where it should be move
  • Notes, some comments that were done in the session
  • Maintainer, person in charge of making sure the split of that component goes correctly.


Folder Version repository Notes Maintainer
cmake 2.0 ecm Needs work to meet ecm quality TBD
appmenu 2.X plasma-workspace Needs to support GMenu <[email protected]>
freespacenotifier 2.X plasma-workspace Need better solution, we can't do polling every minute <[email protected]>
klipper 2.0 plasma-workspace Re-work/modernize for 2.X <[email protected]>
ksmserver 2.0 plasma-workspace If we can make it optional, split <[email protected]>
ksplash 2.0 plasma-workspace Will move to display manager in 2.X <[email protected]>
/libs/kdisplaymanager 2.0 plasma-workspace <[email protected]>
/libs/taskmanager 2.0 plasma-workspace [email protected]
statusnotifierwatcher 2.0 plasma-workspace Move to systemtray [email protected]
khotkeys 2.X khotkeys TBD
ktouchpadenabler 2.0 plasma-desktop Is it still needed? [email protected]
solid-actions-kcm 2.0 plasma-desktop [email protected]
plasma 2.0 plasma-workspace/desktop TBD
kstyles 2.0 oxygen Remove old styles, keep useful ones in plasma-desktop TBD
cursors 2.0 oxygen Removed unused themes TBD
oxygen 2.0 oxygen TBD
kwin 2.0 kwin Move oxygen decoration to oxygen TBD
kcheckpass 2.0 lockscreen We might be able to remove it, but for the time being it has to move TBD
kcontrol 2.X systemsettings Not all have to be ready for 2.0 (hence the 2.X) TBD
kinfocenter 2.0 kinfocenter TBD
kmenuedit 2.0 kmenuedit TBD
krunner 2.0 krunner TBD
ksysguard 2.0 ksysguard TBD
kwrited 2.X kwrited Martin G
powerdevil 2.0 powerdevil Rewrite, Split Split in kde:scratch/apol/powerdevil
libs/ksysguard 2.0 ksysguard Maybe framework? TBD
kworkspace -- Remove when not needed TBD
systemsettings 2.0 systemsettings Ask Ben TBD
kcminit 2.0 goes with startkde Delete when no longer needed Àlex Fiestas
kstartupconfig 2.0 goes with startkde Delete when no longer needed Àlex Fiestas
kdm 2.0 Remove Adopt SDDM or LightDM in 2.X TBD
plasmaclock 2.0 Remove TBD
kwindowlistmenu 2.0 Remove TBD
plasmagenericshell 2.0 Remove TBD
ksystraycmd 2.0 Remove TBD


See Frameworks/Epics/New_Runtime_Organization