
From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 18:00, 25 December 2012 by Mayankmadan (talk | contribs) (→‎Notes)


  • Amarok 2.0 Marketing!!!
  • word-of-mouth recommendation
  • desktop-videos
  • Why are we better than ITunes?
  • downloadportals
  • musikmagazines
  • organize your collection
  • ripping of CDs
  • survey with I-Tunes-user(s)
  • no negative marketing
  • lots of free songs out of the box
  • introductionvideo
  • differentiate between people who already know Amarok and those who don't
  • looks good ;-)
  • lyrics
  • <leinir> apachelogger: Ah yes... just remember i've got another thing that might be good to have on the agenda for the 2.0 marketing meeting - you might remember me poking about with the idea of a mascot in the dev channel... maybe it'd be a good idea to discuss how best to use something like that at that meeting :)
  • expanding translations? remove translations? a decision should be made.
  • recruit antispam squad? Wiki, forums, and now the Drupal comments.
  • linuxtag revu


What we need to do for2.0:

  • work on a proper theme for ako
  • do videos/flash presentations of Amarok for new users
  • get statements by famous people about Amarok
  • do a PressKit -> for forums and "real" press
  • collect links to mac-site and windows-sites and contact them ( [[Amarok/Archives/NewsSites | News Sites )
  • collect the names of the most important magazines and contact them
  • maybe introduce Amarok 2.0 as beta for Mac and Windows - we need to have a proper release to not make a bad first impression because we may not get a second chance
  • make a decision about translations of ako - Do them properly or not at all?
  • ask lastFM for sponsoring
  • get in contact with distros about shipping Amarok as default musicplayer on gnome
  • pay an artist to get our artwork done? Make a page on the wiki for potential artists (What do we expect/need?).
  • make a side-by-side comperison of musicplayers - maybe targeted at the specific OS - sould not be the most prominent part of our marketingcampaign
  • make CDs to give away to friends? like shipit? live-CD?
  • get more people do the marketingsurvey
  • get word-of-mouth recomendations going
  • make it easy to import ratings (and other things?) from ITunes
  • target the Firefox/digg-crowd first
  • make "Get Amarok Now"-buttons for blogs and websites
  • how do we get them to use IRC (webapplet)?
  • proper introduction to dynamic and smart playlists for everyone (at first startup?)

do not forget:

  • no negative marketing!!!
  • Win- and MAC-users expect different things from their software

What we have and need to concentrate on:

  • our biggest asset: great team - like a family -> get them into our community and show how great it is
  • drm-free music
  • magnatunes
  • lots of free music
  • good and reliable support on IRC/forum/mailinglist
  • lyrics
  • wikipedia
  • lastFM- and jamendo-integration
  • moodbar
  • suggested songs
  • contextbrowser
  • Amarok looks good
  • organize collection only if the user wants it

competitors on MAC:

  • ITunes

competitors on Windows:

  • ITunes
  • WinAmp
  • Windows Media Player
  • (foobar2000)


  • - we had no tape
  • - buy food and trinks in advance next time (very expensive and no time at Linuxtag)
  • - more advertising for the talk on the day of the talk
  • - be prepared for the strange guys ;-)
  • - get a hotel nearby next time
  • - briefing on the end of the first day next time
  • + organised howling - flashmoblike next time
  • + lots of visitors at our booth
  • + ask people to come to the booth - otherwise they are to shy(?)
  • + work together with other exibitors to get more people to the booth by making it look crowded
