Amarok/Development/OS X
OS X Port
The OS X port of Amarok is a work in progress and not intended for end users. DO NOT file bugs against the OS X port, or expect any support for it.'
Most developers aren't using OS X and probably can't help you much. However if this doesn't deter you, and you still want to know more, contact illogic-al in #amarok for more information. You can also view the work-in-progress build instructions ind the building link below.
When Amarok reaches a state where we're ready to start releasing builds for alpha testing on Linux, a OS X .dmg will be made available. Until then, be patient ... but if you can't wait start submitting some patches. ;)
Amarok is currently usable, at least for testing and development purposes. However, just like the unix version, it is in pre-alpha state and not ready for day to day use because not all functionality is available yet.
See for the build instructions.
Screen Shots
Just a couple of quick screenshots of progress so far:
Amarok after throwing some stuff into the playlist from the collection. Yes, it plays too.
And here we have Amarok showing the file browser
And here's the Internet Browser.
And here's the internet browser actually doing something useful; fetching podcasts via opml feeds.
Issues so far
- Sometimes scrollbar for the track doesn't move when using phonon or xine backends.
- drag from file browser to playlist crashes amarok
- Opening "Play Media" from the dock icon crashes Amarok (need to check with "vanilla install")
- Repeat messed up. All repeat settings do one thing, repeat the currently playing track.
- Pause does not pause. Playback is stopped instead.
- Playlist -> Add Media crashes amarok.
- Saving the Playlist doesn't work. Amarok seems as though it saves (giving no errors) but it does nothing.
- win+whatever entries get mapped to ctrl+whatever. Probably global KDE issue (kded4).
- tray icon "Minimize" doesn't work (I don't think this should be in the tray icon for _any_ OS)
- Menu layout needs to be rethought for OS X
- We break Apple HIG by not having "Window" menu. See: Apple HIG guidelines
- icon needs to be 'monochromed' -> kind of done, with new icon.
- DMG support