KDE.org/Wordpress Help
< KDE.org
Once kde.org is running wordpress it will make use of Neverland in its theme. Neverland is the new KDE theming engine for our websites and is based on Bootstrap. That means you can use the functionality of bootstrap on the site. Learn more here: Bootstrap
Wordpress Setup
Wordpress itself basically is a raw installation. Usual functionality like blogging, comments or rss are not used and disabled on theme base, instead it is used as a plain CMS for mostly static content.
- Blogroll Widget with RSS Feeds
- Image Widget
- MindValley Shortcut Framework
- qTranslate
- Simple LDAP Authentication
There are some best practices to be aware of.
- To get good looking tables, check here: Bootstrap tables
- There is a wordpress plugin allowing you to preview/update sites by key combinations: ctrl-alt-L for preview, ctrl-alt-P for publish. That is more efficient then pressing the buttons. (disable global ctrl-alt-L in systemsettings->shortcuts->gobal shortcuts->KRunner->lock screen for that to work)