Gluon/Sprint Oct2011
< Gluon
A list of topics to discuss, in no particular order.
- Settings
- Exposing settings
- Settings UI
- Common (e.g. KCM)
- Per-Application
- Common QML Components for Settings
- GluonAudio
- QtOpenAl backend for GluonAudio
- OpenAl high-level wrapper
- The current QtOpenAl project into openal as an openal Qt backend ?
- (Hanna Skott)
- Some ideas:
- Channel support
- Advanced playlist support
- Current ffmpeg state and plans - getting more stable ? (good hint: mplayer2)
- QtOpenAl backend for GluonAudio
- GluonGraphics
- Finish Particle work and get it merged (ahiemstra)
- Design and start implementing batch rendering optimisations (StuartMD)
- Fix scissor test for visible area and scale ui depending on this area as well.
- GluonInput
- Re-visit the GluonInput API - to clean it up
- Abstract Input Actions
- GluonSmarts
- Pathfinding algorithms (HA*?)
- (leinir)
- GluonPlayer
- Clean up the mess that are the players currently.
- Remove the Qt Extended Player ?
- Sync up in the pure QML player with the new player models (ie.: proxy and so on) and remove old models accordingly
- Moving Gluon to Extragear ?
- Gluon as MeeGo/Mer Game Center? (usefulness in Tizen unknown but quite possible - web APIs and all that jazz)
- Plans for the Gluon Plasmoid Player and Plasma Active ? Get built it into the PA image ? What are the obstacles for that ?
- Google Code-In? Do we want to join, what tasks do we want to suggest?
- Formalities
- Group photo =)
- General report about the sprint to