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Akademy/2013/Volunteers: Difference between revisions

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Valoriez (talk | contribs)
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(23 intermediate revisions by 14 users not shown)
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==== Before the event ====
==== Before the event ====
* print and stick in the walls signals
** how to reach rooms
** how to reach special places (like lunch place, coffee, team room, etc.)
** name of the BOF rooms (at ETSI)
** how to reach parties venues
* print food signals for specials meals

* print and fold name badges and put them into pouches
* print and fold name badges and put them into pouches
Line 24: Line 31:
* Party coordination (Saturday)
* Party coordination (Saturday)
** work with venue before and during the event
** work with venue before and during the event
* Film session
** Search for a video projector
** Test video projector in reserved room

==== During the event ====
==== During the event ====
Line 50: Line 61:
* Party coordination
* Party coordination
** check party venue before attendees arrive
** check party venue before attendees arrive
** put signals to help people reach the venue
** help the music staff
** set up posters and other party stuff
** set up posters and other party stuff
** check badges of attendees at entrance
** check badges of attendees at entrance and give them drink vouchers
** help tidy up afterwards
** help tidy up afterwards

Line 60: Line 73:
** assemble group
** assemble group
** take picture of all attendees
** take picture of all attendees

==== After the event (Friday afternoon) ====
==== After the event (Friday afternoon) ====
Line 116: Line 128:
| width="150pt" | English
| width="150pt" | English
| width="80pt"  | n
| width="80pt"  | n
| width="150pt" | 13-15 July
| width="150pt" | 14th morning and 15-18 July full time
| width="150pt" | Session Chair and Registration desk
| width="150pt" | Session Chair and Registration desk
Line 164: Line 176:
| width="150pt  | Basque, English, German, Slovak, Spanish
| width="150pt  | Basque, English, German, Slovak, Spanish
| width="80pt"  |y
| width="80pt"  |y
| width="150pt" | 17 -19
| width="150pt" | 12 -19
| width="150pt" | Session chairs, runner, tidy, return materials
| width="150pt" | Session chairs, runner, tidy, return materials
Line 239: Line 251:
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" | Shivam Makkar, makkar, amourphious1992ATgmailDOTcom
| width="150pt  |English
| width="80pt"  |n
| width="150pt" | 14th to 19th july, full time
| width="150pt" | name badges, banners/posters, session chair
| width="150pt" | Egoitz Puerta, Egoitz, epuerta001ATikasleDOTehuDOTcom
| width="150pt  |English spanish
| width="80pt"  |y
| width="150pt" | 15th to 19th, full-time
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt  |
| width="80pt"  |
| width="150pt" | Pedro Jurado Maqueda, ped.juradoAT gmail DOT com
| width="150pt  | Spanish, English, German
| width="80pt"  | n
| width="150pt" | 10th to 13th July, Full time
| width="150pt" | Mostly cabling and technical stuff...
| width="150pt" | Shivam Makkar, amourphious1992 AT gmail DOT com
| width="150pt  | English
| width="80pt"  | n
| width="150pt" | Chair Wrapup Sessions
| width="150pt" |
| width="150pt" | Aitor Pazos Ibarzabal, mail AT aitorpazos DOT es
| width="150pt  | Spanish, English
| width="80pt"  | n
| width="150pt" | 12th to 19th July, Full time
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" | Asier Gonzalez Uriarte, agupitas@gmail.com
| width="150pt  | Basque, Spanish, English, German
| width="80pt"  | y
| width="150pt" | Weekdays: from 14h on. Saturday 13th: Full day. Sunday: from 14h on 
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" | Mikel Gutierrez, mikelguti at gmail dot com
| width="150pt  | Basque, Spanish, English
| width="80pt"  | y
| width="150pt" |10th to 19th July
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt  |
| width="80pt"  |
| width="150pt" |
| width="150pt" |
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" | John Layt, jlayt at kde
| width="150pt  |
| width="150pt  | English, Kiwi
| width="80pt"  |
| width="80pt"  | n
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" |11th to 13th July,
| width="150pt" |  
| width="150pt" | Session Chair
| width="150pt" | Andoni Serrano, xrasl, andoniserra at gmail dot com
| width="150pt  | Spanish, English
| width="80pt"  | y
| width="150pt" | 11 - 12, Full Time
| width="150pt" |
| width="150pt" | Lasse Liehu, lliehu, lasse dot liehu at gmail dot com
| width="150pt  | English, Finnish
| width="80pt"  | n
| width="150pt" | 13th to 18th July
| width="150pt" |
| width="150pt" | Valorie Zimmmerman, valorie, valorie at KDE dot org
| width="150pt  | English
| width="80pt"  | n
| width="150pt" | 11th to 19th July
| width="150pt" | Reg desk, whatever else is needed. Must be available for Kubuntu and Amarok meets

Latest revision as of 17:06, 11 July 2013

Sign up to Volunteer!

To sign up, please follow these steps:

  • Before filling your name in, please read the Call for Volunteers.
  • Check out the tasks below to see what interests you.
  • Edit the table below and fill in your name and data. Please provide your name, the languages you speak, whether you are a local and/or know Bilbao, and when you are available.
  • Add your local mobile telephone number to your Akademy user profile.
  • Join the IRC channel #akademy on freenode

Available tasks

Before the event

  • print and stick in the walls signals
    • how to reach rooms
    • how to reach special places (like lunch place, coffee, team room, etc.)
    • name of the BOF rooms (at ETSI)
    • how to reach parties venues
  • print food signals for specials meals
  • print and fold name badges and put them into pouches
  • set up the venues:
    • hang banners and poster and signage
    • distribute cables in rooms
    • set up video
  • Wifi and other networking
    • check with College IT to ensure that requirements are met
    • check if there is a need for extra switches and LAN cables
  • Party coordination (Saturday)
    • work with venue before and during the event
  • Film session
    • Search for a video projector
    • Test video projector in reserved room

During the event

  • Pre-registration (Friday afternoon/early evening)
    • check in attendees and hand out badges
    • print out new badges if necessary
  • Registration/Info desk (Saturday to Thursday)
    • check in attendees and hand out badges
    • print new badges if necessary
    • sell KDE merchandise
    • general point of information
  • Session chairs
    • check that the speaker has water
    • introduce the speaker
    • make sure that the talk starts and ends on time
    • moderate questions
  • Runner
    • able to drive a car
    • run errands, shop for stuff that might be missing
    • find people when needed
  • Party coordination
    • check party venue before attendees arrive
    • put signals to help people reach the venue
    • help the music staff
    • set up posters and other party stuff
    • check badges of attendees at entrance and give them drink vouchers
    • help tidy up afterwards
  • Video operator
    • help record the talks
  • Group photo
    • assemble group
    • take picture of all attendees

After the event (Friday afternoon)

  • tidy venue
  • return sponsor materials
  • return other materials as necessary

Sign up to volunteer

(Please add your name and information)

Name/IRC nick/email Languages local knowledge (y/n)? days/times available comments
Claudia Rauch, claudiar, rauch at kde dot org German, English n 12-19 July set up venue, registration/info desk
Dani Gutiérrez, danitxu, jdanitxu at gmail.com Spanish, Basque, English y Full time, Full calendar
Cruz Borges, cruzki, cruz.borges at deusto.es Spanish, English y Full time, Full calendar
Smit Mehta, smitmehta, smit.meh@gmail.com English n 13-15 july Session Chair, Registration Desk
Neja Repinc, smrtskoso@gmail.com English n 12 July name badges, banners/posters
Yash Shah, yashshah, mail@yashshah.com English n 14th morning and 15-18 July full time Session Chair and Registration desk
Laszlo Papp, lpapp@kde.org English, Hungarian no Any time Session Chair and video recording
Martin Klapetek, mklapetek@kde.org English, Czech, Slovak n Anytime except Day2 (14th) from 14h to 16h Session chair
Adrián Chaves Fernández, Gallaecio, adriyetichaves@gmail.com English, Spanish, Galician n Full time, Full calendar
David Edmundson, davidedmundson@kde.org British English n Full time
Rishab Arora, spacetime, ra.rishab@gmail.com English n 13-15 July Session Chair
Iker Salmón, ikerssm@gmail.com English, spanish y 11-16 July
Sébastien Renard, renards, renard at kde dot org French, English n 12-19 july Session chair, registration/info desk, party coord.
Luis Cuerdo, luiscuerdo@email.com Basque, English, German, Slovak, Spanish y 12 -19 Session chairs, runner, tidy, return materials
Jorge Cacho, jorge.cacho.h at gmail dot com Spanish, English y Part time, Full calendar
Till Adam, adam@kde.org German, English n 11-19 session chair, registration desk
Vishesh Handa, me@vhanda.in English, Hindi n 11 - 19 Session Chair
Gonzalo Gonzalez, txalo, gggonzalez002 at ikasle.ehu.es Spanish, English and a little bit of Portuguese y 12-19 full-time Group photo,
Carl Symons, kallecarl, carlsymonsATgmailDOTcom native English speaker/writer/editor n 14:00 - 23:59 remotely writing, editing
Alejandro Exojo, suy, suy(you know)badopi.org Spanish, English n 11-17 (full time) Runner (I'll get my car if needed), video, or anything else.
Ander Pijoan, ander, ander.pijoan AT deusto DOT es Spanish and English y Full time, Full calendar
José Millán Soto, fid_jose, fid at gpul dot org Spanish, Galician, English and a little French 11 - 19
Jorge Acosta, jorgeact at gmail dot com Spanish, English y 11 - 12 -13 - 14 Tidy up , Runner
Devaja Shah, devaja, devajashah@gmail.com English n 12th to 19th Registration/Info Desk, Session Chairs, Party Coordination
Gorka Sorrosal, gsorrosal, gsorrosal AT deusto DOT es Spanish, English y Full time, Full calendar Video Recording
Oihane Kamara, oihanek, oihane.esteban AT deusto DOT es Spanish, English y 15th to 19th, full-time
Shivam Makkar, makkar, amourphious1992ATgmailDOTcom English n 14th to 19th july, full time name badges, banners/posters, session chair
Egoitz Puerta, Egoitz, epuerta001ATikasleDOTehuDOTcom English spanish y 15th to 19th, full-time
Pedro Jurado Maqueda, ped.juradoAT gmail DOT com Spanish, English, German n 10th to 13th July, Full time Mostly cabling and technical stuff...
Shivam Makkar, amourphious1992 AT gmail DOT com English n Chair Wrapup Sessions
Aitor Pazos Ibarzabal, mail AT aitorpazos DOT es Spanish, English n 12th to 19th July, Full time
Asier Gonzalez Uriarte, agupitas@gmail.com Basque, Spanish, English, German y Weekdays: from 14h on. Saturday 13th: Full day. Sunday: from 14h on
Mikel Gutierrez, mikelguti at gmail dot com Basque, Spanish, English y 10th to 19th July
John Layt, jlayt at kde English, Kiwi n 11th to 13th July, Session Chair
Andoni Serrano, xrasl, andoniserra at gmail dot com Spanish, English y 11 - 12, Full Time
Lasse Liehu, lliehu, lasse dot liehu at gmail dot com English, Finnish n 13th to 18th July
Valorie Zimmmerman, valorie, valorie at KDE dot org English n 11th to 19th July Reg desk, whatever else is needed. Must be available for Kubuntu and Amarok meets