Search results
- (01:35:26 IST) milliams: majewsky: nightly (01:36:00 IST) milliams has changed the topic to: Welcome to KDE Games | Visit us at http://games.k ...29 KB (4,220 words) - 13:15, 27 March 2012
- [22:13:50] <milliams> * We should organise it for a weekend<br> [22:14:02] <milliams> * We need a plan of particular things that need etsting<br> ...18 KB (2,740 words) - 13:25, 27 March 2012
- | milliams ...3 KB (423 words) - 05:31, 4 May 2014
- [09:50am] milliams joined the chat room. [10:02am] milliams: Matt Williams, working on KSquares mostly ...37 KB (5,915 words) - 13:19, 27 March 2012
- [5:03pm] milliams: Welcome majewsky [5:08pm] milliams: (also DXS I believe) ...19 KB (3,115 words) - 13:18, 27 March 2012
- [22:08] <milliams> piacentini: Yeah, I arrive about 2 hours before the talk :) [22:09] <milliams> about lunch time ...26 KB (3,750 words) - 20:12, 27 April 2012
- (11:58:13 IST) milliams: Zajec: No worries, welcome anyway<br/> (12:27:48 IST) ***milliams raises his hand<br/> ...56 KB (8,725 words) - 13:16, 27 March 2012
- | Matt Williams || milliams || 08th, Fri || 21:33 at Brussels || Train, Eurostar - London St Pancras to ...9 KB (1,226 words) - 19:32, 19 March 2011
- ...n to Glasgow Central || Mon 2nd || Train from Glasgow Central, 14:00 || || milliams ...11 KB (1,415 words) - 21:31, 19 March 2011
- | ...14 KB (2,161 words) - 05:57, 18 May 2016
- ...2:02] <Parkotron> It seems like quite a few initiatives were being lead by milliams, but he seems to have disappeared. Does anyone know the story there? ...28 KB (4,025 words) - 13:23, 27 March 2012
- {{FeatureInProgress|libkdegames|New highscore management system|milliams|Matt Williams}} ...33 KB (4,478 words) - 19:02, 26 October 2011
- [09:53:54] <Parkotron> piacentini: Do we know if milliams is keeping up with the release team stuff? I know he's not active within th ...48 KB (7,132 words) - 12:47, 27 March 2012