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SoK/2025/StatusReport/Shubhanshu Gupta

From KDE Community Wiki

Simplifying Documentation for a Broader Audience

Project Abstract

My proposal aims to simplify the KEcoLab documentation into simpler, user-friendly sections with clear visuals and concise instructions, while also ensuring that the necessary depth and technical details for the advanced users is retained. This approach will make KEcoLab accessible and useful for a wider audience, regardless of their technical background.


  • Simpler less technical documentation for general users
  • Detailed technical documentation for developers


  • Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss @joseph:kde.org
  • Kieryn Darkwater @mxdarkwater:matrix.org
  • Karanjot Singh @drquark:kde.org
  • Aakarsh MJ @aakarshmj:matrix.org
  • Pradyot Ranjan @pradyotranjan:gitter.im

Issues worked on

How energy measurement has evolved with automation
How software is remotely simulated—Usage Scenario Scripts
User Guide Page
Project Structure Page

Weekly Progress