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Support KML file format, XML tag processing

Add ability to process KML files in graph ide. Also add XML tag processing.


  • Caio Tonetti

Work Done

  • Discussed the KML grammer with the community. Ruled out all the possible tags and wrote all the rules to process them accordingly.
  • Understood spirit boost library and found all required functions to realise the parser.
  • Wrote down the rules in EBNF notation inside C++(kmlparser file in kml) thus creating a new grammer (KML grammer). The parse function processes the file and can sort out all the different tags in grammer.

For details see my blog (yet to post for last week) https://sbalikondwar.blogspot.com/

The code is present on my sok2020_kmlparser branch on my rocs fork : https://invent.kde.org/hyperion/rocs/tree/sok2020_kmlparser/libgraphtheory/fileformats/kml

What I learned

  • The importance of parsers in file processing.
  • Approach to write a file parser, EBNF notation and spirit boost lib.
  • Documenting work in the form of comments, blogs and docs.
  • Importance of communication with community and mentor.
  • Importance of Open Source and role of KDE in making our lives better.

What Next

Complete the integration of KML parser with ROCS IDE. Add XML tag processing inside ROCS. I am able to work after the SoK as well. As SoK time period isn't long enough to fully learn all things but to get started contributing, I will percieve my proposed idea. I have talked with mentor, I will work to make it a complete feature in coming time.


  • Telegram: hyperion101010
  • Email: shivambalikondwar101@gmail.com