Policies/Security Policy
This policy describes how security related issues are handled after they have been reported to security@kde.org.
Issues that are brought to the attention of security@kde.org are handled discreetly. The issue will be verified and the author/maintainer of the affected code will usually be contacted. If the issue is indeed considered to be a problem the need for an immediate fix is assessed. The security team will also notify affected parties which are known to reuse the affected code.
If an immediate fix is not considered necessary a security alert is issued via kde-announce@kde.org.
If a fix is considered necessary, KDE release coordinators are contacted and KDE vendor packagers, Linux distributors and other prenotification mailing lists (including kde-security-preannounce@kde.org) are informed once a fix is available that has passed review on security@kde.org. We then give them a reasonable amount of time to prepare binary packages. After that time we issue a security alert via kde-announce@kde.org. Patches in source form and any available updated binaries are published at the same time.
All security alerts are published on http://www.kde.org/info/security/.
KDE developers that want to join security@kde.org can send a motivated request to security@kde.org. Applications will be evaluated on a case by case basis by the current members. The main criteria is the extent to which someone can be helpful in executing the security policy as described here. That includes a willingness not to disclose issues prematurely.
Process for the Security Team
- Answer incoming e-mails as soon as possible so people know we are listening to their report
- If needed contact people that know the code in question to get the fix done/checked
- Get a CVE https://cveform.mitre.org/
- Contact kde-security-preannounce@kde.org if we think it's important enough that binaries should be out the same moment of the security is disclosed to give distributors some heads up time
- Agree on an advisory text with the developers and ideally the reporter
- Add advisory announcement the website
- Check out git@invent.kde.org:websites/kde-org.git
- Add new advisory as a txt file in ./content/info/security
- Edit ./content/info/security/index.md to add link to the new advisory, commit and push (or create an MR)
- Issue security alert via kde-announce@kde.org
- Email reporter to make sure she knows the advisory is out