Plasma/Workspace Sprint/Kanban
< Plasma | Workspace Sprint
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- Make distros ship defaults
- Distros to look up to: Kubuntu, OpenSuse, ArchLinux, Chakra, Mageia, Fedora
- Collect defaults, ask why?
- Proceed to merge to upstream if it's a sensible change. ignore the changes (if it's just branding/wallpapering), or negotiate middle grounds.
- Review default activities
- Make sure they are useful, gain expertise in them
- Improve naming
- Location API
- Goals
- Change timezone when changing country/borders
- Weather applet shows relevant location
- Tasklist
- We currently have a location dataengine. It supports gps and hostip, it doesn't work any time I've tested it (d_ed in England and Barcelona)
- Investigate Geoclue (Marble did at
- In geoclue only one engine that worked was "Ubuntu GeoClue". (hostip also fails here)
- Need to have more backends in the dataengine so that it can be considered reliable /or/ reconsider using Geoclue.
- Goals
- Activities support in apps
- Konversation, ¿Quassel?. Activity per chat room, global chat rooms?
- KDevelop. Match Session and activity
- PIM. Depends on the application, need feedback from PIM developers.
- Gwenview. Improve welcome page to match the activity
- Gwenview. Streamline image importer
- When an SDCard is plugged, recursively show all images. If a harddisk is plugged, let the user browse the folder hierarchy
- Konqueror, rekonq. Browsing+Activities FTW
- Firefox, Chrome. Figure out if we can get something done there, maybe extensions?
- KDE Telepathy
- Blocking on a usability discussion documented on the KTp mailing lists about Global Presence. Emailing Usability Expert.
- Yakuake. Different tab sets per activity?
- Taskbar entries should be merged with KSNI
- Find a way of making application developers stop using the systray as a taskbar.
- We must find a way of merge KSNI and taskbar entries.
- It seems that Canonical developed something called BAMF that apparently does the job. Research BAMF.
- Startup performance
- Plasma start-up profiling
- Nepomuk start-up profiling
- Nepomuk on-demand activation
- KDED start-up profiling
- Figure out if some tooling is needed?
- Test Active start script on Desktop
- Sync Framework
- Implement a Sync Framework, capable of having multiple backends
- Implement Owncloud support for sync framework
- Sync metadata (nepomuk)
- iPhone support
- Sync music
- Sync Calendar
- Sync Contacts
- Android Support
- Sync contacts (in progress via Google contact syncing)
- Sync Music, MTP KIO.
- Bookmark switching
- Chrome and Firefox nepomuk integration
- Arranging app's
- Streamline ui's look&feel of popup applets/panel
- Document inconsistencies we have right now (Bluetooth, Network, Klipper...)
- Create guidelines of how applets should look (Bluetooth, Network, Klipper...)
- Visual feedback on window edges
- Make present windows discoverable
- Visual feedback on hot corners
- See: KWin/Screen_Edges
- Improve visual feedback for hidden panels
- IM needs improvement
- The Plasma experience of IM is not perfect. The Telepathy team is on it.
- SLC for the desktop
- Figure out how we want to use the Share, Like and Connect facilities in a windowed environment
- Discuss it in plasma-devel
- Make Kamoso use SLC
- Make Gwenview use SLC
- Pastebin-like share applet
- Consolidate share implementations (pastebin, kipi, etc.)
- Figure out how we want to use the Share, Like and Connect facilities in a windowed environment
- Redesign notifications
- Activity-based Notifications
- Improve localization support, multi-language environments
- Make installing language support easy
- Make sure input in different languages/alphabets is possible
- Spell-checking of mixed languages in the same document, consider actually using two dictionaries at a time (vishesh commented that it's common to use hindi and english in the same text)
- File support for Clara and Raj
- Redesign openWith dialog
- Ways to install application for a mime type
- Design a way of installing applications that support X mimetype (for example, offer to install Calligra when the user tries to open a .odt)
- Redesign openWith dialog
- Sound integration
- Plasmify KMix
- Write new PA integration that make full use of it
- Find better concept for "Plasma Active Welcome Screen"
- Improve / new system sounds (Dario)
- Move to freedesktop standard ?
- Redesign Activity swithcer
- Fix activity switching and stacking (d_ed)
- Streamline Images importer (Aurélien Cake)
- Paper-cuts for applications (get started), app UI bugs
- Better UI reviews
- KDE Quality team (d_ed made a wonderful speech there)
- Fix mapping windows <---> Activity in kwin (Martin G)
- Reliable Nepomuk Everywhere
- Nepomuk + KDE Telepathy
- Nepomuk + Akonadi
- Nepomuk + Zeitgeist
- QtQuick Components
- We need styled components
- Fix Plasma Components
- Identify Issues add them to bugzilla (done)
- Fix them!
- Proper scrolls
- Shortcuts, Accelerators
- Actual differences between Active and a
- Qt5 Components
- Software discoverability
- We need a "libre" solution to create content galleries/stores
- We probably want to figure out if we want a KDE-wide solution
- Raise PowerTop awareness (d_ed)
- Social Feed (mck182)
- Make a social feed available for apps to consume (based on Akonadi)
- Ship a plasmoid (for dashboard?), possibly making it work in self-contained window (like microblog)
- Add it to some desktop apps?
- Implement notifications from the social feed to the workspace
- Frozen app warning in KWin
- Default memory consumption
- Research how much memory default installation uses and see what we can optimize
- "Open-with" dialog redesign
- Only list apps supporting the file mime-type
- Reduce list as user types
- Produce good-looking .desktop files when the "Always use" checkbox is checked
In Progress
- Explain how activities and virtual desktops relate
- Screen Management (by afiestas)
- NM redesign (lamarque, jan and lukas)
- Implement new applet following future guidelines (QML port in progress)
- Redesign current KCM to improve usability
- Previous work
- Web accounts (by afiestas)
- Consolidate screen edge actions (Martin G)
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