User Actions
Actions that are part of regular usage of Kmail Active (if they are available), and thus should be presented prominently in the UI
- read up on new/important emails and decide what to do with them quickly
- reply to sender/all/list
- forward
- move to trash / a favorite folder
- mark as important/unread
- Mark as spam (if local spam filtering is activated)
- write new emails from scratch
- select to/cc/bcc
- spellcheck (instant)
- switch accounts
- open favorite folder
Actions which are not performed every day, but more often than rarely. Should be accessible when needed, but may take a few steps to execute
- find specific old mail to look up some information
- browse the folder hierarchy
- Add a folder to favorite folders
- manage email
- move to any folder
- tag (SLC)
- Show additional details for a mail (all headers, mail size etc.)
During email creation:
- send as urgent
- request disposition notification
- attach file
- switch signature insertion on/off
- encrypt/sign (only if PGP/SMIME is configured)
- format HTML mail
Actions that are performed only occasionally or only once at initial setup. Can be in separate UIs
- setup / configure
- account(s)
- encryption
- signature
- spellchecker
- create / manage filters
- import / export mail
Action that can be performed via SLC and thus do not need to be part of the main UI
- PIM interaction
- add to address book
- create event from mail
- create task from mail
- connect to Activity
- print mail ??
- tag
Requirements and Supported User Actions for KMail Active
C=core/basic features; program does not work without
P=performance features: Not absolutely necessary, but create the impression of a good product
Z=buzz features, not expected by default
E=exotic (not really needed?)
Safety / Capabilities
- (C) Support multiple accounts
- (C) Support standard protocols (IMAP, POP3, SMTP)
- (?) Supports authentication via NTLM (Microsoft Windows) and GSSAPI (Kerberos) Thomas: We should support these only if are essential for many business users.
- (C) Supports plain text and secure logins, using SSL and TLS.
- (P) Native support for inline OpenPGP, PGP/MIME, and S/MIME encryption
- (P) Filter spam (Integration with popular spam checkers, e.g. SpamAssassin, Bogofilter, etc.)
- (P) Provide user defined rules
- (Z) Provide synchronization features (e.g. owncloud)
Receive / Read
- (C) Notification for new messages
- (C) Show text emails
- (P) Show html emails
- (Z) Show extended html stuff (background)
- (P) Replace text smilies with emoticons
- (P) Convert html 2 text (ability to display plain text only from an HTML mail)
- (C) Handle long lists of receivers (collapse/expand, cut, …)
- (P) Show details (email header)
Send / Compose
- (C) Create new text mail
- (P) Create new html mail
- (C) Select To/CC/BCC
- (C) Reply to Sender/All
- (P) Reply to mailing list
- (C) Forward message
- (P) Send as urgent
- (P) Request disposition notification
- (P) Insert signature
- (P) Attach file(s)
- (Z) Compress attachments
- (P) Check spelling (as-you-type and on demand)
Organize / View
- (C) Integration of international character sets
- (P) Mark item (read/unread, important, tag (SLC)…)
- (Z) Link item (task, appointment, notes)
- (Z) Add sender(s) to contacts
- (P) Move items to folders
- (P) Create folders
- (P) Search for items (find specific old mail)
- (C) Navigate folder hierarchy
- (C) Move to trash
- (P) Create/Apply filters
- (C) Sort items by property (time, sender, receiver...)
- (E) Import/Export emails
- (P) Create/Modify signature
- (Z) Provide alternate views (compact list, ...)
- tbd.
- (C) Make reading/writing efficient (minimize actions/clicks to start a function)
- (C) Provide adequate feedback
- (C) Check user input and let user confirm when necessary
- (C) Provide support (tooltips on demand)
- (C) Implement controls according system standard and organize workflow conform to user expectations
- (P) Provide individualization features
- (E) Let users control the processing (speed, direction, etc.)
User Experience
- Use standard UI components
- Design aesthetically pleasing GUIs
- tbd.