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1st Marble Developer Weekend Sprint, Nov. 5-7 2010

We'd like to invite all people who are interested in Marble Development: may it be through coding, graphics design, promotion, packaging, documentation, website or other areas. You have an interesting story to tell about Marble? You'd like to make Marble a great educational tool? You've built some software based on Marble? You're a Marble newbie and you'd like to get involved with KDE-EDU or Marble development? You dream of Navigation and Routing with Marble? -- We'd like to see you at the sprint!

The Marble Weekend Sprint is sponsored by the KDE e.V. and basysKom. Thanks a lot for supporting Marble!


The Marble Sprint will be held from November 5h to November 7th, with the following basic schedule:

  • 5.11. arrival, starting from 16:00 local time (Friday). We will probably do some quick sight seeing tour in the evening and have dinner together.
  • 6.11. sprint (Saturday), Lightning talks after noon.
  • 7.11. sprint (Sunday) and departure starting from 18:00 local time.


The Marble Developer Weekend will be held at the basysKom Nuremberg office which is located at Südwestpark.



Contact: If you run into problems getting to the office don't hesitate to call our basysKom Office: +49 (0) 911 2554 106

How to get there

Nurember is a city in the German state of Bavaria. There are several ways to reach the sprint location by train or by flight.

  • via the Nuremberg Airport: Take the subway U2 (direction "Röthenbach") from the airport to the central railway station (Hauptbahnhof). At the central railway station change into the subway U3 (same platform, direction Gustav-Adolf-Platz). At Gustav-Adolf-Platz change into the Bus line 69 and leave the bus at the station Südwestpark. If you continue to go straight in the same direction that the bus had when he arrived at the "Südwestpark" then you reach the office within 2 mins of walking.
  • via Nuremberg central railway station (Hauptbahnhof):

At the central railway station change into the subway U3 (direction Gustav-Adolf-Platz). At Gustav-Adolf-Platz change into the Bus line 69 and leave the bus at the station Südwestpark. If you continue to go straight in the same direction that the bus had when he arrived at the "Südwestpark" then you reach the office within 2 mins of walking.


There is the Südwestpark hotel located directly at the sprint location:



In the city center of Nuremberg there are loads of hotels you can choose from. One of the more affordable ones is probably the Motel One which is located very close to the central railway station:



Attendees List

The column "Sponsoring needed?" is to know if you need sponsoring from the KDE e.V. or if you pay the travel/stay by yourself.

Name email Arrival Departure Airport Flight Food preferences Estimated travel costs Sponsoring needed? Work Special
Torsten Rahn rahn AT kde DOT org 5.11. 8.11. none none No apples ;-) 0 € no Marble Core Developer Event organization
Dennis Nienhüser earthwings AT gentoo DOT org 5.11 7.11. none none none fuel from/to Karlsruhe and Hotel no Routing, Maemo
Thibaut Gridel tgridel AT free DOT fr 5.11 7.11 NUE TBC any 175 € + hotel yes GeoData, Gps track
Jens-Michael Hoffmann jensmh@gmx.de 5.11 7.11 none none none 200 € yes Tile loading, blending
Bernhard Beschow bbeschow AT cs TU berlin DE 5.11 7.11 none none none 93 € + hotel yes OpenGL, Custom Maps, API-Design
Sebastian Wiedenroth wiedi@frubar.net 5.11 7.11 none none none fuel from/to lindau + hotel no Mac Packaging
Niko Sams niko.sams AT gmail.com 5.11 7.11 none none none 78 € + hotel yes Routing
John Layt john@layt.net 5.11 7.11 Nuremberg AB8461 10:25 none €183.90 + hotel yes Vector maps, stack integration
44-78-1285-2010 -


Friday: 05.11.2010

15:00-18:00 Arrival at the basysKom office

21:00 Meeting at the Barfüßer



Saturday: 06.11.2010

Starting at 9:00 We'll have a set of short presentations:

- "Let's get the Marble rolling ...",  Torsten Rahn
- Routing, Dennis Nienhüser
- "State of the Geodata", Thibaut Gridel
- OpenGL and Marble, Bernhard Beschow
- Qt Mobility and Marble, John Layt
- Marble on Mac, Sebastian Wiedenroth

13:00 Lunch

- Workshops, coding and discussions

In the evening: Dinner

Sunday: 07.11.2010

- Coding and discussions

13:00 Lunch

- Summary, press release preparation

In the evening: Departure


To be discussed: Since we will only have little time available for presentations and workshops we thought about having some short lightning talks on saturday or sunday.

Feel free to make suggestions. State of :

- MeeGo, MeeGo Touch/Maemo UI and port (Marble Mobile).
- Qt Mobility and Marble
- UI (desktop/small devices)
- Routing
- OpenGL
- Marble on Mac
- Tiles
- GeoPainter / drawing
- GeoData / ModelView
- Plugin APIs
- Architecture/Design/APIs
- Coding Style
- Maps: Natural Earth