Goals/All about the Apps

KDE has over 200 applications and countless addons, plugins and Plasmoids. We offer useful services to them as projects such as Git hosting, teams of translators, teams of artists and designers, some release management if they are part of KDE Applications. But much of the support we offer has fallen short, until recently there wasn't even an up to date website listing them all. There is no method of taking decisions on how these support services are provided and proposed changes often stall such as when the kde.org/applications did for a year.
With new packaging formats we will now be able to release apps directly to users on Linux, our main target platform. This means we need to review our processes and up our game in many areas because no more will we be able to rely on 3rd parties to finish off our software and make it useful and attractive to users, we need to do that ourselves.
KDE has many fabulous apps, let's take them out to the world!
What Will We Do About It
We want to make KDE attractive to other Free Software projects and help them ship their applications to end users.
We'll make sure KDE has good documentation and processes for shipping apps through all the available channels.
We'll encourage existing apps to join KDE.
We'll tidy up the release processes we already have for apps.
And we'll report on what is happening with apps each month.
Who's in?
- Jonathan Riddell
- Scarlett Moore
- Nate Graham
- Carl Schwan
- Aleix Pol
...you! come and join
How to help
Workboard: https://phabricator.kde.org/project/board/313/
Chat Room: https://webchat.kde.org/#/room/#kde-all-about-apps:kde.org