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About Kopete

Kopete is an Instant Messaging Client that is modular and has plugins. It requires KDE Plasma. Kopete has a huge code base with lots of legacy code and reflects the hard work of many developers since many years. Kopete currently supports 9 different messaging services and has 15+ plugins.

About the Project

Title : Autotests and improving protocol support for Kopete

Kopete is now ported to KF5. This project is about adding auto tests to Kopete. In this auto-tests for protocols and plugins will need to be written. This project also includes the improvement of support for protocols in Kopete.

Work report

I have done auto-tests for following modules -

  • libkopete
  • kopete
  • plugin
  • protocol

Porting of the kopete with the bug fixes was also done during this GSoC Period. Also it is documented how to use the tests suite while development of kopete.

What I did : Created autotests for Kopete and worked on porting the remaining KDE4 part to KF5.

Link to Progress Reports

How will it help: It will help in easier maintanance of Kopete by the community members and by me.

What Next: I will complete the test suite and will also work on the issues discussed with mentor so the Kopete based completely on KF5 be released. I am also thinking of keeping some issues and tasks (on phabricator) that will get some interest of new developers and will help them get indulged with the project.

Important Links

Link to Weekly Reports on Mailing List : here

Link to Proposal : here

Link to Updated Timeline : here

Link to the Kopete Repository on cgit : here

Link to Commits : here

Link to Reviewboard Reveiws : here

Link to Blog : here

Tips to Contribute

If you want to contribute to kopete following links will help you in exploring the project and understanding the working of the project.

1. KDE Framework 5 - This is what is used almost everywhere now and if you see a function or a instruction try looking it up on internet.

2. Qt Framework - This is also used extensively.

3. New Developers Guide - Try going through this first if you are new to KDE. Read the whole page and you will have plenty of lead for contributing.

4. Join the IRC Channel and mailing list. If you don't know what is IRC visit this page here.


IRC : vijay / vijay_

E-mail : vijaykrishnavanshi@gmail.com

Kopete IRC Channel - #kopete

Mailing List - here