Add educational activities to GCompris (In Qt Quick)
Project Name: Add educational activities to GCompris (In Qt Quick)
A Brief Description: My project aimed to create two new activities for GCompris:
- Nine Men Morris: Abstract strategy board game. The game is also known as Nine Man Morris, Mill, Mills, Merels, Merelles, and Merrills in English. I had to create both single player (against computer) and two player mode.
- Blog post link:
Status: Complete
- Digital Electricity: Consist of different digital electric components which can be dragged and dropped in work space. These components can be connected together and their output can be seen according to the logic. I had to create two versions of the activity, one was the free play mode, and second was task mode.
- Blog post link:
Status: Free play mode completed, task mode remaining.
IRC Nick: Pulkit
IRC Channels: #gcompris
This is awesome about GSoC: GSoC is a great learning experience, and you spend your summer doing something that is going to be used by lots of people.
This is what I learned during GSoC:
- Qml
- JavaScript
- Qt
- Git
Work report
Phabricator link:
Phabricator tasks:
Commits on merged activities:
- Nine Men Morris:
- Branch:
Commits on Active branch (activity not yet merged):