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From KDE Community Wiki

This page intend to document the rules and how to add new information to the KOffice website.

The website works under a trust agreement, you get permission to do anything, but follow the rules mentioned in this page.

!!! In wordpress when you add a page/post to a category it is not automatically added to the parent category, you need to manually select the parent categories as well.


There is always a lot of things to do to improve the website. This section collects them.

  • CSS Improvement
    • The menu in the applications pages
    • The news/announcement/life stream section
  • A FreOffice presentation page
  • Improve the contribute page
  • Download page (Already exists at [1] but some of its information is now in userbase, the page on the website should be reworked to take that information into account, and linked from the front page)


There are currently three category of announcements KOffice Stable (stable), KOffice Unstable (unstable) and FreOffice (freoffice). The newest entry of each of those categories is displayed on the front page of the website. When there is no 'unstable' koffice, for instance when 2.2.0 is released, the announcement for 2.2 RC1 should not appear on the front page, the code for showing the 'unstable' announcement should be commented in the template ("Appearance > Editor" then select "Main Index template").


News concerning Calligra development, impersonal article. Apart from recurring categories (such as Last week in Calligra) they should be discussed in the community before publication, if you are interested in having a recurring category (for instance "the weekly user tip", "the monthly developer exemple", or anything else), come discuss your idea on calligra-devel@kde.org and we will help you to make it happen.

Anything in the "News" category but announcements appears in the News section of the front page, also the "frontpage" tag can be used on any post to make it appears in the news section of the front page, this should be used only with a community agreement.


If you intend to hold a blog strictly dedicated to KOffice, it is possible to have it hosted on koffice.org, under koffice.org/blogs. You simply have to create a subcategory of blogs with your real name as category name, and then you can add post to that blog. Your feed will be http://koffice.org/blogs/blogname/feed/ if you want to add it to planets (such as Planet KDE).

Life stream

Blogs aggregation

If you hold a blog with KOffice information, and want to appear on the LifeStream, you will need to contact someone who have theme editing rights (right now, Thomas, Alexandra or Cyrille). That person will then have to go to "Appearance > Editor" then select "Main Index template" and add your feed in the "Blogs" lifestream.

It shall be noted that if your blog is hosted in koffice.org/blogs then, as long as you add your blog entry to the "blogs" category, then your blog will appear in the blogs aggregation life stream, without any extra work.

Links for the "KOffice around the web"

If you find a cool story about KOffice, an original text (not one of the thousands rip-off of the koffice release announcement), and want that story to appear in the "KOffice around the web", you just need to add a link to the blogroll category, to do so go to "Links > add new" enter the name and the web address, and choose "blogroll" as a category.