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Calligra/Meetings/Spring 2013 Sprint

From KDE Community Wiki

KDE Sprint page: https://sprints.kde.org/sprint/122 , but using the wiki now


March 8th- 10th (Friday -Sunday)

Arrival/leaving time

Linux-Hotel: Friday 12:00h, Sunday 20:00h (seminarroom is in the same building)

ThoughtWorks: Friday?, Saturday?, Sunday?

Date finding page was: http://doodle.com/dwznt2uk5de6zgn6


Sprint is happening both at:

ThoughtWorks Bangalore (India)

office of ThoughtWorks in Bangalore, see Bangalore

Linuxhotel Essen (Germany)


Column explanations:

Sponsoring needed?
enter if you need sponsoring from the KDE e.V. or if you pay the travel/stay by yourself (please also ask any of your company/employer/donor if they would sponsor you, at least partially). Options are: "Yes", "For accomodation", "For travel", "No". Add note if you might be able/willing to take part of costs yourself, if really needed.
Estimated travel costs
enter the estimated travel costs you would have to travel to & from LinuxHotel or Bangalore
Estimated accomodation costs
if you are going to stay at the LinuxHotel, enter the days (e.g. Fri-Sun), if you are going to stay in Bangalore, also give a money estimate

Also notice the section "3. Financial support" of the KDE Sprint Policy.

Name email Area Arrival Departure Estimated travel costs Estimated accomodation costs Sponsoring needed? Single / double / many room Special/Food needs/Other
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebauATkde.org cleaning up, core libs, Words Essen, main station, Fri, 11:34 (Horst 12:04) Essen, main station, Sun, 19:23 (Horst 18:45) 140 € LinuxHotel (Fri-Sun) Yes (can take parts myself) many -
Boudewijn Rempt boud@kde.org parts stuff 100 € LinuxHotel (Fri-Sun) For acco only double share room with ingwa
Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp@gmail.com Krita 0 € LinuxHotel (Fri-Sun) For acco only any -
Dmitry Kazakov dimula73@gmail.com Krita 330 € LinuxHotel (Fri-Sun) Yes many -
Thorsten Zachmann zachmann@kde.org Stage, Libs Essen Horst Fri 17:24 Essen Horst Sun 13:15 122 € LinuxHotel (Fri-Sun) Yes double -
Inge Wallin inge@lysator.liu.se, ingwa@kde.org Author, Words, libs, plugins, marketing 300-400 € (depending when booking is done) LinuxHotel (Fri-Sun) Yes double -
Matus Uzak matus.uzak@gmail.com ms formats filters 350 € LinuxHotel (Fri-Sun) Yes double -
Yuë Liu yue.liu@mail.com Flow, mac Fri 13:45 @ DUS Mon 12:20 @ DUS $1007 LinuxHotel (Fri-Mon) Yes Any
Arjen Hiemstra ahiemstra@heimr.nl core/libs, krita, ui design 2013/03/08 12:57 Essen Hbf 2013/03/10 19:53 Essen Hbf 80-100€ LinuxHotel, Fri-Sun Yes any Vegetarian
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin@leinir.dk core/libs, krita, author 200€ LinuxHotel, Fri-Sun Yes Any -
Lukas Tvrdy lukast.devATgmail.com Krita Fri 16:25 @ DUS Sun 16:45 @ DUS 350-400€ LinuxHotel, Fri-Sun Yes Any -
Shantanu Tushar shantanu@kde.org Active - - No - Bangalore
Gopalakrishna Bhat A gopalakbhat@gmail.com Author, Formula Shape - - No - Bangalore
Sujith Haridasan sujith.h@gmail.com Active - - No - Bangalore
Jigar Raisinghani jigarraisinghani@gmail.com Sheets 100-150 € ( Depending when booking is done) Fri - Sun( 60 €) Yes ? Bangalore
Mani Chandrasekar maninc@gmail.com Words - - No - Bangalore
Nityam Vakil nityam.vakil@gmail.com Sheets 100-150 € ( Depending when booking is done) Fri - Sun ( 60 €) Yes ? Bangalore
Somsubhra Bairi somsubhra.bairi@gmail.com Krita 100-150 € ( Depending when booking is done) Fri - Sun ( 60 €) Yes ? Bangalore
Smit Patel smitpatel24@gmail.com Words - - No - Bangalore
Marijn Kruisselbrink mkruisselbrink@kde.org Sheets Fri 7pm @DUS airport Essen Horst Sun 17:45 $1000 - $1200 (depending when booking is done) LinuxHotel, Fri-Sun Yes Single prefered Vegetarian


See Agenda page.


Needed: reliable conferencing system to make space between India - Europe vanish virtually (sadly not possible for timezone difference)

Any proposals, experiences?

Meeting Notes



When you blog about the meeting (and you should ;-), please add a link here

Cooking recipes

"Here go some pasta sauce recipes (also vegetarian ones) and salad recipes"

Ingwa's pasta sauce (4 people)

  • 4-500 g minced meat, either 70/30 beef/port or all beef
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 sliver of garlic
  • 4-5 table spoons of tomato paste *or* 400g crushed tomatoes
  • 1 medium - large red pepper
  • other vegetables of choice
  • 1 teaspoon bouillon powder or 1 stock cube
  • 1-2 teaspoon celery salt (note: this is a spice and not actual salt)
  • plenty of oregano

Crush the garlic, chop the onion finely and the red pepper and the other vegetables coarsely. Fry it lightly in a pan. Take it out and fry the meat. When the meat is gray, add the garlic+onion+pepper+vegetables back. Add the bouillon powder and either the crushed tomatoes or a little water (if using tomato paste). Let stew for a little while. Add the tomato paste if not using crushed tomatoes. Mix 2 tablespoons of flour and 1-1.5 dl of water in a shaker. Add to the sauce and let stew for another 3-4 minutes. Just before serving add the oregano (don't let this stew or it will lose its taste!). Serve with cheese and spaghetti and a good red wine :).

Semi-fresh Pasta Sauce

Serves ~2

  • 1 Tbs olive oil
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, pressed or finely chopped
  • 2 cans diced tomatoes
  • 1 Tsp Fresh Basil (Optional)
  • 200g Rigatoni/Penne
  • Fresh Grated Parmesan

Heat oil in frying pan, fry onion, garlic until slightly browned. Add tomatoes and basil. Bring to boil, then let simmer for a while (20-30min). In the meantime, cook the pasta. Serve hot with parmesan.

Bolognese Sauce

4 Persons

  • 400g Minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • garlic
  • 600g mixed tomatos
  • Sipices

Bacon Sauce

4 Persons

  • 200g Bacon (in stripes)
  • 1 onion
  • 300ml cream (Schlagsahne)
  • 300 ml vegetable stock (Gemüsebrühe gerne auch instant)


4 Persons

  • 300 g fozen Spinach
  • 1 onion
  • garlic
  • 300ml cream (Schlagsahne)
  • 300ml vegetable stock (Gemüsebrühe gerne auch instant)


Different kind of salat and vegetables ....