- next meeting needs a schedule
- cms for promo interaction with users and discussions
- space on ako or somewhere else
- find out where swedish users get their information
- ask translators if they would translate news and annoucments
- inform packagers of various distros about the release one day before
- make 1st steps in usability testing (get ideas from
- mailing list:
- next metting: 2005-11-15
Downlaodable version at (if anyone is interested)
[18.10.2005 22:01] =-= apachelogger has changed the topic to `` --> roKymotion Meeting <--'' [18.10.2005 22:01] <hydrogen> Where We are--- Where we are going [18.10.2005 22:01] <hydrogen> The livecd hype is currently dying down... [18.10.2005 22:01] <Firetech> exactly [18.10.2005 22:01] <hydrogen> and probably no more big promotion until 1.4 [18.10.2005 22:01] <hydrogen> as minor releases don't deserve it IMO [18.10.2005 22:01] <sven423> i'd say: linux guys know amaroK, other people don't. generally [18.10.2005 22:02] <Firetech> right now we don't have much "real" stuff to do [18.10.2005 22:02] <hydrogen> however, this would be a good time to work on a nice article for [18.10.2005 22:02] -->| tackat666 ( has joined #rokymotion [18.10.2005 22:02] <tackat666> hiho [18.10.2005 22:02] <apachelogger> aloha tackat666 [18.10.2005 22:02] <Firetech> shh, we're having a meeting ;) [18.10.2005 22:02] <apachelogger> hydrogen: what do you imagine? [18.10.2005 22:02] <tackat666> aloha apachelogger [18.10.2005 22:02] <hydrogen> a review of amaroK or an interview of the developers, and a synopsis of amaroK [18.10.2005 22:02] <hydrogen> where it is/where it is going/stuff like that [18.10.2005 22:03] <apachelogger> we could make usability tests ... to make version 2 more useable than ever before [18.10.2005 22:03] <sven423> how to do usability tests? [18.10.2005 22:03] <Firetech> I'd still like to bring up the ever-so-talked-about spreadamarok idea, it woud be quite cool, and not too much work.. PostNuke has what we wants, I guess [18.10.2005 22:03] <apachelogger> sven423: wathing the videos from novell and get some ideas ;-) [18.10.2005 22:03] <hydrogen> postnuke is ugly. [18.10.2005 22:04] <tackat666> just my shameless plug here: Systems fairs will happen during the next week and I'm searching for some people from Germany who want to show off amarok and KDE in Munich :) Anybody volunteering? [18.10.2005 22:04] * apachelogger can't [18.10.2005 22:04] === tackat666 <> ``Torsten Rahn'' [18.10.2005 22:04] === tackat666: member of #rokymotion, #kde-artists,, #suse, #scribus, #amarok, #koffice, #kde-devel, and #kde-users [18.10.2005 22:04] === tackat666: attached to ``'' [18.10.2005 22:04] === tackat666 is identified to services [18.10.2005 22:04] --- End of WHOIS information for tackat666. [18.10.2005 22:04] <Firetech> hydrogen: you can skin it... [18.10.2005 22:04] <hydrogen> but i think something we can all do is work on is Filling in the <whatsthis> tag, and the description tags in amaroK for 1.4 [18.10.2005 22:04] <hydrogen> the backend is ugly. [18.10.2005 22:04] <apachelogger> Firetech: I think hydrogen is right, it's just ugly [18.10.2005 22:04] <sven423> tackat666: who are you and in what way are you connected to the Systems? [18.10.2005 22:05] <hydrogen> also, working on feedback from amaroK dev's to the community wouldn't be a bad idea [18.10.2005 22:05] <tackat666> sven423: I am KDE's event guy ;) [18.10.2005 22:05] <Firetech> ok, there are better community backends than postnuke... how about mambo? [18.10.2005 22:05] <sven423> oh, ok ;) [18.10.2005 22:05] <tackat666> sven423: Torsten Rahn [18.10.2005 22:05] * hydrogen is going to setup a "1.4 features page" later [18.10.2005 22:05] <apachelogger> Firetech: has been renamed ;-) [18.10.2005 22:05] <hydrogen> in wiki [18.10.2005 22:05] <apachelogger> hm [18.10.2005 22:05] <apachelogger> we need some kind of user backend [18.10.2005 22:05] <Firetech> apachelogger: what? [18.10.2005 22:06] <apachelogger> let the users know what we are working on [18.10.2005 22:06] <apachelogger> what they can expact, and when [18.10.2005 22:06] <sven423> so, generally a roadmap? [18.10.2005 22:06] <apachelogger> Firetech: the free version has been renamed [18.10.2005 22:06] <Firetech> oh [18.10.2005 22:06] <hydrogen> yea [18.10.2005 22:06] <apachelogger> sven423: roeadmap is the wrong word imo [18.10.2005 22:06] <hydrogen> well, kind of [18.10.2005 22:07] <apachelogger> yup [18.10.2005 22:07] <Firetech> we should have had some kind of schedule for this meeting :/ [18.10.2005 22:07] <hydrogen> probably [18.10.2005 22:07] <hydrogen> should we plan on monthly meetings anyways? [18.10.2005 22:07] <apachelogger> why not [18.10.2005 22:07] <sven423> good idea [18.10.2005 22:07] <Firetech> let's select some kind of order of things, it's all kind of blurry talk right now, and we do that outside the meetings :P [18.10.2005 22:07] <hydrogen> okay [18.10.2005 22:07] <Firetech> yeah [18.10.2005 22:08] <hydrogen> with 4 people there isn't much need for structure [18.10.2005 22:08] <hydrogen> we can let it evolve as we go... and see what we end up with :) [18.10.2005 22:08] <hydrogen> what would be _really_ cool [18.10.2005 22:08] <hydrogen> and probably impossible [18.10.2005 22:08] <hydrogen> is to convince the big computer distributors to offer amaroK live for people who don't buy windows :) [18.10.2005 22:08] <hydrogen> dell.. HP.. gateway.. places like that [18.10.2005 22:09] <sven423> markey and mayself had the idea to start a call for promotion ideas in the public [18.10.2005 22:09] <apachelogger> public = ? [18.10.2005 22:09] <Firetech> for the next meeting, we'd need a schedule, let's add some kind of template to the wiki after the meeting [18.10.2005 22:10] <sven423> people who read news on [18.10.2005 22:10] <hydrogen> we already have the wiki page about rokymotion [18.10.2005 22:10] <apachelogger> wiki doesn't fit our needings [18.10.2005 22:10] <apachelogger> we need a cms or something [18.10.2005 22:10] <apachelogger> wiki just becomes a big mess [18.10.2005 22:11] <sven423> ack [18.10.2005 22:11] <Firetech> apachelogger: ok, one thing settled then :P [18.10.2005 22:11] <apachelogger> one step closer to Firetech's idea of spreadamarok :P [18.10.2005 22:11] <Firetech> yay [18.10.2005 22:12] <Firetech> wasn't my idea from the beginning, I'm just pushing it along [18.10.2005 22:12] <hydrogen> cms where though.. [18.10.2005 22:12] <Firetech> hydrogen: [18.10.2005 22:12] <Firetech> whoops [18.10.2005 22:12] <Firetech> wrong button [18.10.2005 22:12] <apachelogger> [18.10.2005 22:13] <Firetech> I guess we can have some spare space on a.k.o otherwise [18.10.2005 22:13] <apachelogger> finding a hoster in the community shouldn't be a problem at all [18.10.2005 22:13] <sven423> so doing it like spreadfirefox (build a site, build a community and make them help spread the beast) could be a working concept. if the community is large enough [18.10.2005 22:14] <Firetech> sven423: look at the number of users in #amarok [18.10.2005 22:14] <apachelogger> hm, do we need a community for rokymotion? [18.10.2005 22:14] <Firetech> then multiply that with at least 2 [18.10.2005 22:14] <sven423> there are many, I know [18.10.2005 22:14] <hydrogen> has anyone talked to the kde PR people to see if they have any input on how to promote amaroK? [18.10.2005 22:14] <Firetech> apachelogger: we could integrate that into spreadamarok... "roKymotion corner" [18.10.2005 22:15] <apachelogger> hydrogen: I'm subscribed to the list, but they are far away from us :/ [18.10.2005 22:15] <Firetech> apachelogger: more advanced you mean? [18.10.2005 22:15] <apachelogger> err [18.10.2005 22:15] <apachelogger> look at spreadfirefox [18.10.2005 22:15] <apachelogger> and spreadfirefox are far away from each other [18.10.2005 22:16] <apachelogger> it isn't one community there are two [18.10.2005 22:16] <Firetech> I know [18.10.2005 22:16] <apachelogger> which means twice work, and twice interessts [18.10.2005 22:16] <sven423> is no community... the development is very strange [18.10.2005 22:16] <Firetech> roKymotion isn't driven by the amaroK devs either? [18.10.2005 22:16] <hydrogen> kind of is [18.10.2005 22:16] <apachelogger> from the non-devs ;-) [18.10.2005 22:17] <apachelogger> which don't have to do anything else :P [18.10.2005 22:17] <Firetech> some mozilla devs are spreadfirefox admins, tho [18.10.2005 22:18] <apachelogger> well, I'm not talking about the administration [18.10.2005 22:18] <Firetech> asa has written all the visible announcements [18.10.2005 22:18] <Firetech> he's a highly positioned firefox dev [18.10.2005 22:18] <Firetech> afaik [18.10.2005 22:18] <apachelogger> the interaction between the moz community and the spreadfirefox community is just bad [18.10.2005 22:19] <apachelogger> if there is one :/ [18.10.2005 22:20] <apachelogger> peeps are writing wishes to the forums or mail them or come to #amarok and tell us about, and more professional maybe file a whish item at bko [18.10.2005 22:20] <Firetech> anyway, we have a limited userbase, while spreadfirefox have windows users too... [18.10.2005 22:20] <apachelogger> so you have always to points [18.10.2005 22:20] <apachelogger> Firetech: don't mind about that [18.10.2005 22:20] <sven423> so, to make this better we would have to integrate "spreadamarok" into a.k.o? [18.10.2005 22:20] <apachelogger> it's better to have a little than a fucked-up ;-) [18.10.2005 22:20] <apachelogger> sven423: I think so [18.10.2005 22:21] <apachelogger> and we shouldn't name it spreadamarok ;-) [18.10.2005 22:21] <Firetech> for Swedish promotional efforts, that is a problem, because we don't have many linux centric magazines or news sites... [18.10.2005 22:21] <sven423> but we also need a domain, that people can remember.. let pint to a.k.o/rokymotion/ or something like this? [18.10.2005 22:21] <apachelogger> so where gets the swedish userbase the informations? [18.10.2005 22:21] <apachelogger> Firetech: usenet? [18.10.2005 22:22] <Firetech> I don't know [18.10.2005 22:22] <apachelogger> we should try to find this out [18.10.2005 22:22] <sven423> Firetech: where do you get your information from? [18.10.2005 22:22] <Firetech> Most Swedish linux users either know everything or use english media (like /. for example) [18.10.2005 22:23] <Firetech> sven423: My linux guru, and (the latter is quite small though... [18.10.2005 22:23] <sven423> "My linux guru" <---- lol [18.10.2005 22:23] <apachelogger> well, /professionals/ probably have more contact to english sites [18.10.2005 22:23] <sven423> everyone should have his own linux guru ;) [18.10.2005 22:23] <apachelogger> so we have to worry about the linux starters [18.10.2005 22:24] <Firetech> I have got an answer about amaroK Live from one of the two linux magazines I know of. They said thanks for the tip, but he wouldn't say anything definite. [18.10.2005 22:24] =-= apachelogger has changed the topic to `` --> roKymotion Meeting <--'' [18.10.2005 22:24] <apachelogger> that's another thing [18.10.2005 22:24] <apachelogger> we shouldn't write news that promotional [18.10.2005 22:25] <apachelogger> like the stub article is still more promotion article than news [18.10.2005 22:25] <hydrogen> YA [18.10.2005 22:25] <hydrogen> err [18.10.2005 22:25] <hydrogen> caps [18.10.2005 22:25] <apachelogger> so we would have to write a annoucement for ako and a news for news sites [18.10.2005 22:25] <sven423> what about simply translating the announcements to other languages? in germany taht worked well for 1.3 Live [18.10.2005 22:26] <apachelogger> sven423 done it alone btw ;-) [18.10.2005 22:26] <apachelogger> well, I could ask the translators if they are going to do this [18.10.2005 22:26] <apachelogger> at least for some languages [18.10.2005 22:27] <Firetech> I can do the Swedish translations, don't bother about reaching asserhal. [18.10.2005 22:27] <Firetech> :P [18.10.2005 22:27] <sven423> so we try to translate announcements and mail them around? only main releases or minors also? [18.10.2005 22:28] <sven423> or will we decide with each announcement? [18.10.2005 22:28] <apachelogger> really dunno [18.10.2005 22:28] <apachelogger> for example always writes a news [18.10.2005 22:28] <apachelogger> also for minor [18.10.2005 22:28] <apachelogger> as we have quite interessting features there too [18.10.2005 22:28] <hydrogen> one thing we should do [18.10.2005 22:28] <Firetech> we can have announcements on ako and dot (?) [18.10.2005 22:28] <hydrogen> is mail the packagers for various distros a day or so before release [18.10.2005 22:28] <hydrogen> and let them know its ocming [18.10.2005 22:28] <hydrogen> so they can build [18.10.2005 22:29] <apachelogger> hm [18.10.2005 22:29] <apachelogger> getting the build earlier [18.10.2005 22:29] <apachelogger> good idea [18.10.2005 22:29] <apachelogger> yeah [18.10.2005 22:29] <Firetech> hydrogen: wouldn't help for kubuntu and debian, they freeze their stuff... [18.10.2005 22:29] <sven423> is someone collectint the good ideas? [18.10.2005 22:29] <hydrogen> Firetech: maybe we can produce our own dpkg? [18.10.2005 22:29] <hydrogen> I'm on kubuntu.. It can't be that hard to do.. [18.10.2005 22:30] <Firetech> making the debian dir is tricky, but there are finished ones in debian's SVN [18.10.2005 22:30] <Firetech> I'm on kubuntu too. [18.10.2005 22:31] <Firetech> we could use 3rd party packages (3rd party in the sense that they are not distro official) [18.10.2005 22:31] <hydrogen> well [18.10.2005 22:31] <hydrogen> autopackage working is still desired [18.10.2005 22:31] <hydrogen> btw [18.10.2005 22:31] <hydrogen> best shirt ever or what? [18.10.2005 22:31] <hydrogen> [18.10.2005 22:32] <apachelogger> actually install autopackage isn't really easy for n00bs [18.10.2005 22:32] <apachelogger> today a suse user asked me how to install a rpm :/ [18.10.2005 22:32] <hydrogen> :/ [18.10.2005 22:32] *sven423 trys to copy the "good ideas" to kate so they are not lsot in the log... [18.10.2005 22:33] <apachelogger> + cms for promo interaction with users [18.10.2005 22:33] <apachelogger> + space on ako or somewhere else [18.10.2005 22:33] <apachelogger> + find out where swedish users get their information [18.10.2005 22:33] <apachelogger> + ask translators if they would translate news and annoucements [18.10.2005 22:33] <apachelogger> + inform packagers of various distros about release one day before [18.10.2005 22:34] <sven423> ack for all of them [18.10.2005 22:34] <apachelogger> + make 1st steps in usability testing (get ideas from [18.10.2005 22:35] <Firetech> apachelogger: where would we get our test subjects? [18.10.2005 22:35] <hydrogen> I think rokymotion should become more of a promotion/usability group [18.10.2005 22:35] <hydrogen> as they are kind of entwined [18.10.2005 22:35] <Firetech> hydrogen: ya [18.10.2005 22:35] <apachelogger> yup [18.10.2005 22:35] <sven423> there are enough people out there... [18.10.2005 22:35] <Firetech> let's vote :P [18.10.2005 22:35] <hydrogen> AYE [18.10.2005 22:35] <apachelogger> Firetech: for the usabilty test? [18.10.2005 22:35] <Firetech> no [18.10.2005 22:36] <Firetech> the usability group thingie [18.10.2005 22:36] <insanity> ::Wiki:: Download has been edited by Firetech. Kubuntu Breezy has 1.3.1, said 1.2.4 last time I checked, though. :: [18.10.2005 22:36] <sven423> usability tests in more something for the devs... [18.10.2005 22:36] <Firetech> 3 to 1 [18.10.2005 22:36] <apachelogger> Firetech: ah, now I got it .... needs to get discussed imo [18.10.2005 22:36] <Firetech> ok [18.10.2005 22:37] *sven423 coud find some usability testers, that would be possible [18.10.2005 22:37] <Firetech> we might split it into two groups [18.10.2005 22:37] <hydrogen> err [18.10.2005 22:37] <sven423> well, I read on the wiki something about amaroK promo movies, that show it in action... what about that? [18.10.2005 22:37] <hydrogen> Firetech: why do you think merging is not a good idea? just to get some idea [18.10.2005 22:37] <Firetech> and rokymotion.use or something [18.10.2005 22:37] <apachelogger> sven423: actually you just have to ask some peeps on the street ;-) [18.10.2005 22:37] <Firetech> hydrogen: ther aren't really the same things, the group might get all blurry [18.10.2005 22:37] <apachelogger> sven423: swf is bullshit for this [18.10.2005 22:38] <apachelogger> I made a record the other day [18.10.2005 22:38] <Firetech> we definetly need a usability group though. [18.10.2005 22:38] <apachelogger> just sux [18.10.2005 22:38] <hydrogen> Firetech: well, having usability is a good thing to promote about :P [18.10.2005 22:38] <sven423> what about discussing the usability thing together with some devs? [18.10.2005 22:38] <apachelogger> letz define us as the amarok marketing group [18.10.2005 22:39] <apachelogger> then we include usability [18.10.2005 22:39] <apachelogger> ;-) [18.10.2005 22:39] <Firetech> hydrogen: yes, but people would need different knowledges for the different stuff [18.10.2005 22:39] <markey> fd [18.10.2005 22:39] <apachelogger> re markey [18.10.2005 22:39] <Firetech> markey: you're disturbing our meeting :P [18.10.2005 22:39] <sven423> markey: usability tests? [18.10.2005 22:39] <markey> wooops :p [18.10.2005 22:39] <Firetech> we moved the coffe machine to #rokymotion.coffe just for you ;) [18.10.2005 22:39] <Firetech> *coffee [18.10.2005 22:39] <hydrogen> ewll [18.10.2005 22:39] <apachelogger> hehe [18.10.2005 22:40] <hydrogen> well* [18.10.2005 22:40] <hydrogen> lenier is already usability person [18.10.2005 22:40] <hydrogen> and they are kind of different [18.10.2005 22:40] <hydrogen> but most of us could do a good bit for that in PR off season [18.10.2005 22:40] <Firetech> hydrogen: I guess most users already do usability stuff... [18.10.2005 22:40] <Firetech> they complain when they don't understand [18.10.2005 22:41] <apachelogger> we should test this before a minor or major release [18.10.2005 22:41] <hydrogen> well, complaining and making it clearer are two different things :) [18.10.2005 22:41] <hydrogen> lets save this discussionf or after the meeting though [18.10.2005 22:41] <hydrogen> as they are separate functions [18.10.2005 22:41] <hydrogen> any more promotion like ideas/ [18.10.2005 22:41] <hydrogen> ? [18.10.2005 22:41] <apachelogger> not yet [18.10.2005 22:42] <sven423> a talk on linuxtag 2006 maybe? [18.10.2005 22:42] <sven423> but that is in may [18.10.2005 22:42] <sven423> in wiesbaden, germany [18.10.2005 22:42] <apachelogger> still time [18.10.2005 22:42] <Firetech> I guess Project: spreadamarok is our main idea? [18.10.2005 22:42] <sven423> yes [18.10.2005 22:42] <hydrogen> well [18.10.2005 22:42] <hydrogen> getting to linux shows would be good [18.10.2005 22:42] <apachelogger> sven423: if I have time I could do one [18.10.2005 22:42] <Firetech> Project because it's only a project name :P [18.10.2005 22:42] <markey> you guys got ideas how to get our founddrive going again? [18.10.2005 22:42] <markey> it stalled a bit [18.10.2005 22:42] <hydrogen> rob a bank/ [18.10.2005 22:43] <Firetech> :P [18.10.2005 22:43] <markey> ah yes [18.10.2005 22:43] <markey> :p [18.10.2005 22:43] <apachelogger> markey: waiting for my bank transfer ;-) [18.10.2005 22:43] <apachelogger> already 70 euros :P [18.10.2005 22:43] <hydrogen> the thing is... spreading news about needing money is kind of not good [18.10.2005 22:43] <hydrogen> IMO [18.10.2005 22:43] <hydrogen> HOWEVER [18.10.2005 22:43] <hydrogen> nah, nvm [18.10.2005 22:43] <Firetech> markey: turn people upside down in the streets and steal their wallets? [18.10.2005 22:43] <markey> I don't think we need to spread this news [18.10.2005 22:43] <markey> we just need to get folks to visit ako [18.10.2005 22:44] <hydrogen> Trying to think of ways to get amaroK and amaroK live into mainstreem [18.10.2005 22:44] <hydrogen> stream* [18.10.2005 22:44] <hydrogen> markey: announce a friendly project fork for WamaroK and get it /.'d :) [18.10.2005 22:44] <apachelogger> markey: redesigning the site or something would force this [18.10.2005 22:44] <sven423> bringing amaroK into mainstream means bringing linux into mainstream. hard... [18.10.2005 22:44] <Firetech> markey: why not add a Donate button in amarok itself? [18.10.2005 22:44] <hydrogen> right [18.10.2005 22:44] <Firetech> button -> menu item [18.10.2005 22:44] <sven423> good idea [18.10.2005 22:45] <hydrogen> Firetech: cause 1.3.4 will not be out till end of fundraiser :) [18.10.2005 22:45] <apachelogger> in the about dialog [18.10.2005 22:45] <markey> yes, that's all nice and dandy, but first we want to complete this funddrive :) [18.10.2005 22:45] <Firetech> hydrogen: amaroK always accepts donations anyway [18.10.2005 22:45] <sven423> "donotate to amarok" "visita marok hompage" and such things... [18.10.2005 22:45] <hydrogen> aye [18.10.2005 22:45] <apachelogger> markey: will there be 1.3.5? [18.10.2005 22:45] <markey> I assume so, but I'm not sure whether we branch before [18.10.2005 22:46] <markey> we might branch [18.10.2005 22:46] <hydrogen> seems like its a fairly good idea to [18.10.2005 22:46] <hydrogen> and really, even splitting after a major release isn't a bad idea if you stick to the mantra of just bug fixes [18.10.2005 22:46] <hydrogen> splitting right after* [18.10.2005 22:46] <Firetech> apachelogger, hydrogen, sven423: we are all sure we need some kind of roKymotion CMS kinda ASAP? [18.10.2005 22:47] <hydrogen> I don't really see why [18.10.2005 22:47] *sven423 votes for it [18.10.2005 22:47] <Firetech> We are kind of filling the wiki otherwise [18.10.2005 22:47] <apachelogger> markey: add a button to donate for 1.3.4 where the users can see it and move it after the funddrive to the about dialog [18.10.2005 22:47] <apachelogger> or a timing thing [18.10.2005 22:47] <hydrogen> if its not going to hit the public, I can even host it if we can get a useful redirect on domain name [18.10.2005 22:47] <apachelogger> if date <1.11. then show button [18.10.2005 22:48] <Firetech> apachelogger: what about people with strange clocks? :P [18.10.2005 22:48] <apachelogger> Firetech: we are sure, yes :) [18.10.2005 22:48] <apachelogger> Firetech: hm [18.10.2005 22:48] <apachelogger> well unimportant [18.10.2005 22:48] <apachelogger> most peeps have usual clocks [18.10.2005 22:48] <Firetech> what CMSs' are there out there? [18.10.2005 22:48] <apachelogger> drupal :D [18.10.2005 22:48] <apachelogger> is a quite smart one imo [18.10.2005 22:49] <sven423> xoops -> awful [18.10.2005 22:49] <Firetech> we could use a wiki of our own otherwise [18.10.2005 22:49] <apachelogger> though I havn't used it really [18.10.2005 22:49] <apachelogger> xoops is a bit overloaded for us [18.10.2005 22:49] <apachelogger> Firetech: maintaining stuff in a wiki sux imo [18.10.2005 22:49] <sven423> you can't discuss in a wiki [18.10.2005 22:49] <Firetech> CMS is better than Wiki though... CMS would be easier to transform into spreadamarok [18.10.2005 22:49] <sven423> the main thing we need is. a way to discuss, imho [18.10.2005 22:49] <apachelogger> wiki isn't the worst but also not the best [18.10.2005 22:49] <markey> there was nice article today about magnatune, on germany's biggest news site [18.10.2005 22:50] <Firetech> sven423: we have this channel [18.10.2005 22:50] <Firetech> :P [18.10.2005 22:50] <apachelogger> with users ;-) [18.10.2005 22:50] <markey> so this seems to be a rather hot topic, CC music and all [18.10.2005 22:50] <sven423> definitely [18.10.2005 22:50] <markey> we could ride the wave, and try to reach some big sites again [18.10.2005 22:50] <apachelogger> Firetech: I know enough user which wouldn't join irc [18.10.2005 22:50] <Firetech> some kind of forum/CMS combination? [18.10.2005 22:50] <Firetech> then we have spreadamarok beta [18.10.2005 22:51] <sven423> lol [18.10.2005 22:51] <Firetech> :) [18.10.2005 22:51] <sven423> right [18.10.2005 22:51] <apachelogger> he got hit by the spreadx hype :/ [18.10.2005 22:51] <Firetech> well [18.10.2005 22:51] <sven423> spreadx! spreadx! spreadx! [18.10.2005 22:51] <apachelogger> lol [18.10.2005 22:51] <Firetech> we could use it anyway [18.10.2005 22:52] <Firetech> some lightweight forum (phpBB is a bit too advanced for this maybe?) and drupal? [18.10.2005 22:52] <hydrogen> meh [18.10.2005 22:52] <hydrogen> imnsho [18.10.2005 22:52] <hydrogen> a amarok-promote mailing list [18.10.2005 22:52] <hydrogen> and a wiki-like site [18.10.2005 22:52] <hydrogen> are all we need [18.10.2005 22:52] <Firetech> that's a start [18.10.2005 22:53] <sven423> mailing lsit... yeah, why not? [18.10.2005 22:53] <apachelogger> markey: can you make us one? [18.10.2005 22:53] <hydrogen> okay, that was riddiculous [18.10.2005 22:53] <markey> ML? [18.10.2005 22:53] <Firetech> but I know from experience that mailing lists can feel quite developerish to join... [18.10.2005 22:53] <hydrogen> a telemarketer definatly just called me and put me on hold [18.10.2005 22:53] <apachelogger> markey: yup [18.10.2005 22:53] <markey> sure [18.10.2005 22:53] <markey> what name? [18.10.2005 22:53] <apachelogger> markey: [18.10.2005 22:53] <markey> alright [18.10.2005 22:54] <apachelogger> Firetech: we can use it at least for team internal communication [18.10.2005 22:54] <Firetech> hydrogen: they start calling before they are finished with their former client, and sometimes, they talk too much with them... [18.10.2005 22:54] <hydrogen> ya [18.10.2005 22:54] <Firetech> apachelogger: yes [18.10.2005 22:54] <hydrogen> Its annoying [18.10.2005 22:54] <Firetech> good because we keep the conversations stored [18.10.2005 22:55] <Firetech> and kmail has treeview: :D [18.10.2005 22:55] <sven423> Firetech: ask the telemarketing guy what he earns, what skills he needs for the job.. and so on. till he hangs up [18.10.2005 22:55] <hydrogen> actually [18.10.2005 22:55] <apachelogger> lol [18.10.2005 22:55] <tackat666> btw: what advantages does banshee have over amaroK ? [18.10.2005 22:55] <hydrogen> I've heard they are not allowed to hang up [18.10.2005 22:55] <tackat666> are there any? [18.10.2005 22:55] <apachelogger> havn't tried it [18.10.2005 22:55] <apachelogger> but looks like juk [18.10.2005 22:55] <apachelogger> imo [18.10.2005 22:55] <apachelogger> just a mix of juk and amarok [18.10.2005 22:55] <Firetech> a friend of mine works with telemarketing, and it's always my father who gets the telemarketing calls... [18.10.2005 22:56] <Firetech> he just says "I'm not interested and hangs up" [18.10.2005 22:56] <tackat666> you better try it ... ximian will promote it heavily really soon [18.10.2005 22:56] <Firetech> wrong quoting [18.10.2005 22:56] <hydrogen> I'm not gonna try it :P [18.10.2005 22:56] <apachelogger> tackat666: thx for the hint [18.10.2005 22:56] * apachelogger fires up yast [18.10.2005 22:57] <sven423> sp, what else? we are getting off topic... [18.10.2005 22:57] <hydrogen> banshee is for gnome for one [18.10.2005 22:57] <hydrogen> :) [18.10.2005 22:57] <apachelogger> it's mono [18.10.2005 22:58] <apachelogger> so novell doesn't see it as a gnome app [18.10.2005 22:58] <apachelogger> and novell will promot it with SL [18.10.2005 22:58] <apachelogger> they already started with 10.0 [18.10.2005 22:59] <apachelogger> it supports gst and helix [18.10.2005 22:59] <hydrogen> it seems like amaroG [18.10.2005 22:59] <sven423> lol [18.10.2005 23:00] <markey> amarok-promo created. gonna take a bit until it becomes active [18.10.2005 23:00] <hydrogen> okay [18.10.2005 23:00] <apachelogger> thx [18.10.2005 23:01] <tackat666> so that's why you guys have to make sure that amarok will always be better wrt any detail over banshee :) [18.10.2005 23:01] <hydrogen> well [18.10.2005 23:01] <hydrogen> just looking at it [18.10.2005 23:01] <hydrogen> I don't think there is much to worry about yet :) [18.10.2005 23:01] <apachelogger> lots of peeps are using amaroK on gnome [18.10.2005 23:01] <apachelogger> if they can get the same stuff with a gnome app they'll use it [18.10.2005 23:02] <tackat666> hydrogen: don't underestimate them :) [18.10.2005 23:02] <Firetech> apachelogger: let's invent a new revolutionary feature with cryptic Qt dode so banshee can't copy it ;) [18.10.2005 23:02] <Firetech> *code [18.10.2005 23:03] <apachelogger> hehe :D [18.10.2005 23:03] <apachelogger> yeah! [18.10.2005 23:03] <apachelogger> ARR!!! [18.10.2005 23:03] <apachelogger> [18.10.2005 23:03] <apachelogger> haha lol [18.10.2005 23:03] <apachelogger> opensuse 10 [18.10.2005 23:04] <apachelogger> that's like saying novell 3 :P [18.10.2005 23:05] <hydrogen> haha [18.10.2005 23:05] <hydrogen> the feature request page is basically everything amaroK has [18.10.2005 23:05] <hydrogen> [18.10.2005 23:05] <sven423> so, who will ask the translators for translating announcements? /me can do the german ones, Firetech the swedish? [18.10.2005 23:06] <sven423> and how can we inform packagers before the release? [18.10.2005 23:07] <apachelogger> I'll ask on the translator's list when I notify them about the stats for 1.3.4 [18.10.2005 23:07] <sven423> and when will the next meeting be? [18.10.2005 23:07] <Firetech> hydrogen: not really: iTunes-style (iPod-compatible) Sound Check support, also on a per-album basis would be nice ;) [18.10.2005 23:07] <hydrogen> informing packagers will take some reasearch [18.10.2005 23:07] <apachelogger> we should start a list with packagers [18.10.2005 23:08] <sven423> in the wiki? [18.10.2005 23:08] <hydrogen> sure [18.10.2005 23:08] <hydrogen> wiki editing time [18.10.2005 23:08] <hydrogen> we should probably work on a road map [18.10.2005 23:08] <hydrogen> I'll start it [18.10.2005 23:08] <apachelogger> hydrogen: no dates [18.10.2005 23:09] <hydrogen> right [18.10.2005 23:09] <apachelogger> just like 1.3.4 probably 1.3.5 then development start 1.4 [18.10.2005 23:09] <hydrogen> I was thinking "In 1.3.4" "For 1.4" "For 2.0" [18.10.2005 23:09] <sven423> sounds good [18.10.2005 23:09] <hydrogen> WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THIS MOUSE [18.10.2005 23:09] <hydrogen> its charged for 18 hours [18.10.2005 23:09] <hydrogen> i use it for two [18.10.2005 23:09] <hydrogen> and it is dieing [18.10.2005 23:09] <apachelogger> :| [18.10.2005 23:10] <sven423> but... one date will be needed: our next meeting? every third tuesday of the month, the same time? [18.10.2005 23:10] <apachelogger> I'll write about banshee [18.10.2005 23:10] <hydrogen> hrm [18.10.2005 23:10] <hydrogen> alright [18.10.2005 23:10] <apachelogger> k [18.10.2005 23:11] <hydrogen> getting people at more Linux shows would probably be a useful thing [18.10.2005 23:11] <hydrogen> I'm close enough to boston to make it to that one [18.10.2005 23:11] *sven423 plans to take his tent and camp near LinuxTag 2006 [18.10.2005 23:11] <hydrogen> I think untouchable is also [18.10.2005 23:12] <sven423> make a presentation about amaroK there would be an interesting task for me ^^ [18.10.2005 23:12] <hydrogen> :) [18.10.2005 23:13] <hydrogen> markey: permission to declare formal war on banshee? :P [18.10.2005 23:14] <hydrogen> better yet [18.10.2005 23:14] <apachelogger> sven423: letz make one together :D [18.10.2005 23:14] <hydrogen> just add it to noatun's hatelist [18.10.2005 23:14] <sven423> apachelogger: ok [18.10.2005 23:14] <apachelogger> if I have time :/ [18.10.2005 23:15] * Firetech lives too far away from all Linux shows :/ [18.10.2005 23:16] <markey> ok, anyone here got banshee installed? [18.10.2005 23:16] <markey> let's see what it can do [18.10.2005 23:17] <markey> learn about your enemies [18.10.2005 23:17] <hydrogen> I'll investigate [18.10.2005 23:17] <Firetech> then kill them :P [18.10.2005 23:17] <sven423> so, do we have any promotion topics left? [18.10.2005 23:17] <apachelogger> markey: as suse user I have it installed :D [18.10.2005 23:18] <apachelogger> first started thing is just selecting the collection folder [18.10.2005 23:18] <hydrogen> I'm installing.. gonna take like half of ubuntu to do though :/ [18.10.2005 23:18] * markey looks for screenshots [18.10.2005 23:18] <apachelogger> building the collection needs some hours [18.10.2005 23:18] <apachelogger> markey: [18.10.2005 23:18] <hydrogen> The dynamicly generated menu isn't bad [18.10.2005 23:19] <hydrogen> and actually [18.10.2005 23:19] <hydrogen> would be something to do for 1.4 [18.10.2005 23:19] <markey> looks fairly basic [18.10.2005 23:19] <markey> like rhythmbox [18.10.2005 23:19] <hydrogen> multiple ipod support [18.10.2005 23:19] <hydrogen> well [18.10.2005 23:19] <hydrogen> multiple media device support [18.10.2005 23:19] <apachelogger> ...and it builds and builds and builds [18.10.2005 23:20] <hydrogen> nice [18.10.2005 23:20] <hydrogen> it doesn't even load for me [18.10.2005 23:20] <apachelogger> needs quite long to start [18.10.2005 23:20] <apachelogger> at least the first time [18.10.2005 23:20] <apachelogger> I gave banshee just a 4000 tracks folder and it builds the collection now for about 20 minutes [18.10.2005 23:20] <markey> well, it uses a VM [18.10.2005 23:20] <markey> which needs to be loaded [18.10.2005 23:21] <markey> mono [18.10.2005 23:21] <hydrogen> well [18.10.2005 23:21] <hydrogen> no, it doesn't work w/ my ipod [18.10.2005 23:21] <hydrogen> in fact, it segfaults w/ it [18.10.2005 23:21] <sven423> any more promo topics? so I would archive the log and relax, will have a busy day tomorrow [18.10.2005 23:22] <apachelogger> markey: quite interessting thing: it shows the installed libs etc. [18.10.2005 23:22] <apachelogger> markey: .. in the about dialog ... such a feature would make it easier to give support [18.10.2005 23:22] <hydrogen> sven423: not atm, we will put info about ML in topic [18.10.2005 23:22] <sven423> ok [18.10.2005 23:22] <sven423> *archiving a log* [18.10.2005 23:23] <apachelogger> sven423: post it somewhere in the wiki [18.10.2005 23:23] <apachelogger> maybe Promotion/Meetings/2005-10-18 [18.10.2005 23:23] <apachelogger> and make a index at Promotion/Mettings