- livecd noscsi Disable the probing of SCSI devices at boot. Do not use this option when booting from a SCSI device since the boot will fail.
- livecd nousb Disable the probing of USB devices at boot. Do not use this option when booting from a USB device since the boot will fail.
- livecd nopcmcia Disable the probing of PCMCIA devices at boot.
- livecd nonetwork Disable probing for network at boot.
- livecd nosound Disable probing for soundcard at boot.
- livecd xdrv= Specify the xdriver such as fbdev or nv
- livecd xbpp=<depth> Specify the bitdepth for X
<depth> can be one of 8, 15, 16, 24 or 32.
- livecd xres=<res> Specify the resolution for X.
<res> can be one of 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1400x1050 or 1600x1400.
- livecd hwdetect=no Don't run the hardware detection script, booting with the default hardware configuration as stored on the LiveCD.
- livecd keyb=<mapping> Use a different keyboard layout mapping from the one the LiveCD was built with. Valid values for mapping can be found in the first column of the following table:
al Albanian
am Armenian (typewriter)
am_old Armenian (old)
am_phonetic Armenian (phonetic)
ar Arabic
az Azerbaidjani (latin)
be Belgian ben Bengali
bg Bulgarian (BDS)
bg_phonetic Bulgarian (phonetic)
br Brazilian (ABNT-2)
bs Bosnian by Belarusian
ch_de Swiss (German layout)
ch_fr Swiss (French layout)
cz Czech (QWERTZ)
cz_qwerty Czech (QWERTY)
de German de_nodeadkeys German (no dead keys)
dev Devanagari
dk Danish
dvorak Dvorak (US)
dvorak_no Dvorak (Norwegian)
dvorak_se Dvorak (Swedish)
ee Estonian
es Spanish
fi Finnish
fr French
ge_la Georgian ("Latin" layout)
ge_ru Georgian ("Russian" layout)
gr Greek gr_pl Greek (polytonic)
guj Gujarati
gur Gurmukhi
hr Croatian
hu Hungarian
ie Irish
il Israeli
il_phonetic Israeli (Phonetic)
ir Iranian
is Icelandic
it Italian
iu Inuktitut
jp Japanese 106 keys
kan Kannada
kr Korean keyboard
la Latin American
lao Laotian
lt_b Lithuanian "number row" QWERTY
lt Lithuanian AZERTY (old)
lt_new Lithuanian AZERTY (new)
lt_p Lithuanian "phonetic" QWERTY
lv Latvian mal Malayalam
mk Macedonian mm Myanmar (Burmese)
mng Mongolian (cyrillic) mt Maltese (UK)
mt_us Maltese (US)
nl Dutch
no Norwegian
ori Oriya
pl2 Polish (qwertz layout)
pl Polish (qwerty layout)
pt Portuguese
qc Canadian (Quebec)
ro2 Romanian (qwertz)
ro Romanian (qwerty)
ru Russian
ru_yawerty Russian (Phonetic)
sapmi Saami (norwegian)
sapmi_sefi Saami (swedish/finnish)
se Swedish
si Slovenian
sk_qwerty Slovakian (QWERTY)
sk Slovakian (QWERTZ)
sr Serbian (cyrillic)
syr_p Syriac (phonetic)
syr Syriac
tel Telugu
th Thai keyboard
tj Tajik keyboard
tml Tamil (ISCII-layout)
tr_f Turkish (traditional "F" model)
tr_q Turkish (modern "Q" model)
tscii Tamil (Typewriter-layout)
ua Ukrainian
uk UK keyboard
us_intl US keyboard (international)
us US keyboard uz Uzbek (cyrillic)
vn Vietnamese "numeric row" QWERTY
yu Yugoslavian (latin)