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< Akademy‎ | 2024

Room 1

Room 1
Time BoF Host / Notes Facilitator (volunteer)
10:00 - 10:55 Plasma Mobile BoF Bhushan Shah, Bart Ribbers tbd
11:00 - 11:55 Security Team (everyone is invited) Albert Astals Cid + David Edmundson
12:00 - 13:55 Lunch
14:00 - 14:55 Metrics and Telemetry David Edmundson tbd
15:00 - 15:55 Sunsetting QCA Albert Astals Cid
16:00 - 16:55 API Documentation Nicolas Fella tbd
17:00 - 17:55 Sandboxed Plasmoids Aleix & Harald
18:00 BoF Wrap Up Victoria Fischer By the infodesk

Room 2

Room 2
Time BoF Host / Notes Facilitator (volunteer)
10:00 - 10:55 tbd
11:00 - 11:55 In person only! Sticker BOF! Take a sticker, leave a sticker, vote on the best sticker'd computer/water bottle at Akademy. Win a special prize! Kieryn Darkwater @mxdarkwater
12:00 - 13:55 Lunch
14:00 - 14:55 KDE neon Jonathan, Carlos, Harald and you! tbd
15:00 - 15:55
16:00 - 16:55 tbd
17:00 - 17:55
18:00 BoF Wrap Up Victoria Fischer By the infodesk

Room 3

Room 3
Time BoF Host / Notes Facilitator (volunteer)
10:00 - 10:55 tbd
11:00 - 11:55 Update on QML module installation Fabian Kosmale
12:00 - 13:55 Lunch
14:00 - 14:55 tbd
15:00 - 15:55
16:00 - 16:55 tbd
17:00 - 17:55
18:00 BoF Wrap Up Victoria Fischer By the infodesk

Room 4

Room 4
Time BoF Host / Notes Facilitator (volunteer)
10:00 - 10:55 HDR screen capture hacking Noah Davis (continues until we're done or kicked out by the next group) tbd
11:00 - 11:55
12:00 - 13:55 Lunch
14:00 - 14:55 tbd
15:00 - 15:55
16:00 - 16:55 tbd
17:00 - 17:55
18:00 BoF Wrap Up Victoria Fischer By the infodesk