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BoF sessions on Wednesday, 11th September 2019

All (ev) rooms are *location* and have *infrastructure*.

Floor plans:

If you need any other equipment, please send an email to akademy-team@kde.org.
Please put your name and email address in the Host/Notes section. There is no length limitation; text will wrap.

No BoF Wrap-up Today
There won't be any BoF wrap-up session this evening. If possible for Thursdays Wrap-up please select someone from your BoF to give a summary—topic, what was discussed and decided, what's next, resources desired.

The Akademy team might reassign BoFs based on operational needs

Room U2-06 - 11th September

U2-06 (160)
Time Subject Host/Notes
11:30 Signing our Artifacts (tarballs, exe, dmg, ?) sitter@kde.org relates to https://phabricator.kde.org/T11304
12:30 Daytrip

Room U2-08b - 11th September

U2-08b (126)
Time Subject Host/Notes
11:30 Wayland user feedback Got a problem with your wayland app? or wayland session? Come here and fix it together
12:30 Daytrip

Room U3-01 - 11th September

U3-01 (185)
Time Subject Host/Notes
10:30 Sysadmin BoF: All the infrastructure things Ben Cooksley
11:30 Nitrux BoF: Updates to znx, Maui Apps in the Desktop and Presenting VMetal Uri Herrera
12:30 Daytrip

Room U4-01 - 11th September

U4-01 (160)
Time Subject Host/Notes
09:30 KWin Topics list (add your own ones)
10:30 KWin + Wayland user feedback
11:30 Privacy BoF Host: *redacted*

Notes: https://notes.kde.org/p/akademy-19-privacy-bof

12:30 Daytrip

Room U4-02 - 11th September

U4-02 (174)
Time Subject Host/Notes
09:30 Open hacking space all morning Everyone who wants to hack/meet/hang out
11:30 Online Accounts Integration in KDE (I know this is a hacking space, but we will be very quiet, I promise), hosts: dvratil, bhushan, notes: https://notes.kde.org/p/akademy2019-onlineaccounts-notes
12:30 Daytrip