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BoF sessions on Tuesday, 10th September 2019

All (ev) rooms are *location* and have *infrastructure*.

Floor plans:

If you need any other equipment, please send an email to akademy-team@kde.org.
Please put your name and email address in the Host/Notes section. There is no length limitation; text will wrap.

BoF Wrap-up at 18:30
Please join the BoF wrap-up session this evening. Another opportunity for communication. Share outcomes and plans, cross-pollinate, attract attention to your project. Please select someone from your BoF to give a summary—topic, what was discussed and decided, what's next, resources desired.

The Akademy team might reassign BoFs based on operational needs

Room U2-02 - 10th September

U2-02 (115)
Time Subject Host/Notes
10:30 xrdesktop Try out xrdesktop and the Valve Index. Demo for everyone who has not tried it yet.
11:30 xrdesktop Discuss the xrdesktop implementation and what more the kwin effects interface can do for it. (christoph.haag@collabora.com)
12:30 Lunch
15:30 GCompris BoF A Session to discuss and hack with anyone interested to contribute to GCompris.
16:30 GCompris BoF Host: Timothée Giet (animtim@gmail.com) https://notes.kde.org/p/gcompris-bof-ak2019

Room U2-08b - 10th September

U2-08b (180)
Time Subject Host/Notes
10:30 KDE e.V Fundraising Discuss our status and future plans https://notes.kde.org/p/akademy_fwg_bof_2019
11:30 KDE e.V Fundraising (continued) Lays, Kenny, Aleix, Scarlett
12:30 Lunch
15:30 Dolphin BoF Host: Elvis Angelaccio <elvis.angelaccio@kde.org>


16:30 KDE Websites Discuss the change needed in the websites - https://notes.kde.org/p/websites_bof_2019
17:30 KDE Websites Carl

Room U3-08 - 10th September

U3-08 (110)
Time Subject Host/Notes
9:30 KNotifications Next Generation Notification API (Kai & Nico)

Notes: https://notes.kde.org/p/knotificationsv2

10:30 Plasma System settings & LNF
11:30 Plasma Mobile Host: Bhushan Shah <bshah@kde.org>

Notes: https://notes.kde.org/p/plasma-mobile-akademy-2019

12:30 Lunch
14:30 Plasma Open discussion for anything. Stuck phabs etc. VDG feedback. Whatever
15:30 Plasma on devices Or in other words, let's run plasma on your toaster. Host: Bhushan Shah and Marco Martin
16:30 neon: the road to 20.04 sitter@kde.org https://notes.kde.org/p/neon-akademy2019
17:30 GPG Key Poisoning Signing sitter@kde.org Akademy/2019/GPGKeys

Room U4-05 - 10th September

U4-05 (115)
Time Subject Host/Notes
10:30 KDE India BoF Host: KDE India team
12:30 Lunch
15:30 KDE Craft Bring your application to Windows or Mac
17:30 KDE Connect Notes: https://notes.kde.org/p/7WtYs5NdLF

Room U4-06 - 10th September

U4-06 (45)
Time Subject Host/Notes
9:30 Open Hacking Space all day Everyone who wants to hack/meet/hang out
12:30 Lunch