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Qt Quick 2 Training on Monday, 2 July 2012

Qt 5 is coming, and one of its most outstanding features will be Qt Quick 2. During Akademy, a training will be held covering the basic concepts of Qt Quick 2, how to make your own GUI with a specific emphasis on user interaction, animations and transitions between states. Last but not least, will be presented how to use the Qt C++ API to extend the Qt Quick 2 runtime.

KDAB will be conducting this training, which is sponsored by Nokia in addition to their Platinum sponsorship. Nokia and KDAB are committed to Qt and KDE, and are offering this training to support that commitment.

Coaches: Volker Krause and Kévin Ottens

Preliminary schedule:

09:30 - 11:00 Concepts and composing user interfaces

11:00 - 11:15 Break

11:15 - 12:45 User interaction

12:45 - 13:45 Lunch Break

13:45 - 15:15 Animations, states and transitions

15:15 - 15:30 Break

15:30 - 17:00 Graphics Effects or C++ Integration (depending on people interest)

Registration is required.

The workshop is suitable for beginners and advanced developers. Please add your name and information below if you want to attend.

Number Name/IRC nick/email Level of Qt expertise
1 Ima Hotshot I can do cute with one hand behind my back.
3 Lauri Võsandi Always ready to learn new stuff!
4 Sune Vuorela c++ champion, haven't yet succeeded hello world in qtquick
5 Luciano Montanaro Good Qt knowledge, some Qt Quick 1
6 Sinny Kumari (ksinny) Intermediate Qt and QtQuick 1
7 Shantanu Tushar (shaan7) Advanced Qt and QtQuick 1
8 Christoph Cullmann (cullmann) Qt ok, Qt Quick never tried
9 Dominik Haumann (dhaumann) Qt, Qt Quick never tried
10 Pradeepto Bhattacharya (pradeepto) Qt
11 Martin Gräßlin (mgraesslin) Good Qt knowledge, knows the annoying parts of transiting ot QtQuick 1
12 José Millán Soto (fid_jose) Experience with Qt, but I've never tried QtQuick
13 Maximilian Löffler Just started with Qt, never worked with Qt Quick
14 John Layt (jlayt) Qt Maintainer, doesn't mean I know what I'm doing :-)
15 Park Shinjo (peremen) Some Qt, no Qt Quick yet
16 Sven Petai (hadara) very little QT experience, no Qt Quick experience
17 Alejandro Castaño Good Qt/Qt Quick
18 Adrian Lopez very little Qt and Qt Quick experience
19 Joseph Wenninger Qt widget based: quite good, Qt Quick: no expeience
20 Dan Vratil Good Qt knowledge, Qt Quick basics
21 Niels Slot Decent Qt knowledge, almost no Qt Quick experience
22 Mirko Boehm I code Qt while sleepwalking after three Mai Tais. But not QML.
23 Jure Repinc Good Qt, only tried Qt Quick 1 a little
24 Lindsay Roberts Medium Qt, low Quick.
25 Antonio Larrosa (antlarr) Good Qt, no Qt Quick
26 Yash shah Qt, no experience with Qt Quick
27 David Jarvie Good Qt, very little Qt Quick
28 Christian Reiner Did some c++/Qt, no Qt Quick
29 Sivan Greenberg Done quite some QML by now, wants more insight of the C++ side.
30 Benjamin Port A bit experience with Qt, but never really use QtQuick (only some test)
31 Felix Rohrbach (fxrh) Medium Qt, no QtQuick
32 Shreya Pandit(shreya) Intermediate Qt and beginner Qt Quick
33 Rohan Garg (shadeslayer) Intermediate Qt, very basic knowledge of Qt Quick
34 Margus Ernits beginner QT
35 Richard Dale Good Qt, wrote a commercial Symbian app with Qt Quick
36 Heinz Wiesinger Very little Qt, some QtQuick
37 Daniel E. Moctezuma (dmoctezuma) Good Qt knowledge, very basics of QtQuick
38 Smit Mehta (smit.meh@gmail.com) Qt - Basics
39 Kåre Särs Good Qt knowledge, doing a Qt Quick project at work
40 Christian Mollekopf Decent Qt knowledge, barely touched QML
41 Dani Gutiérrez (danitxu) Medium-Good at Qt, no QML practical knowledge
42 Matis Palm Qt - Basics
43 Jonas Vejlin Decent c++, ultra low QT
44 Ingo Klöcker (mahoutsukai) Good Qt, no QtQuick
45 Leho Kraav (macmaN) Qt very basics only
46 Allan Vein Qt basics!
47 Alexander Dymo Good Qt, no QtQuick
48 Olena Dymo Qt beginner
49 Saul Ibarra Intermediate level, no Qt Quick
50 Martin Klapetek / mck182 Good Qt knowledge, minimal QtQuick
51 Janek Sarjas Qt beginner, some Qt Quick1
52 Kenny Coyle / automatical / kenny [at] heloo.net Mainly Qt Jambi, Use Qt where possible on small projects
53 Kenny Duffus / seaLne / kenny@kde.org Qt beginner
54 Valdur Kana / valdur55 QT Beginner
55 Martin Sandsmark / sandsmark No QtQuick
56 Carl Symons / kallecarl minimal QtQuick
57 Claus Christensen / claus_chr beginning Qt, no QtQuick
58 Agu Aarna / aarna Advanced Qt, some QtQuick
59 Tarmo Johannes / tarmojohannes Some Qt, C++ OK, will have look to QtQuick
60 Amiran Gorgazjan I have no idea what I'm doing.
61 Peter Grasch QtQuick(1) Beginner / Intermediate
62 Oliver Sõro C++, Qt basics, some QtQuick
63 Sébastien Renard Qt basics, some QtQuick
This workshop is fully subscribed. Please check with Claudia or the Akademy Team for status.