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From KDE Community Wiki

Linuxtag 2013 will take place in Berlin, Germany, 22-25 May 2013. The KDE booth is coordinated by Claudia Rauch.


KDE has been accepted as an exhibitor.


x = available for booth duty

Name Mail Phone Number Wed 22nd Thu 23rd Fri 24th Sat 25th
Claudia Rauch rauch@kde.org x x
Knut Hildebrandt x ?
Shin Sterneck shin at sterneck dot asia ? ?
Alan Mizrahi alan at mizrahi dot com dot ve ? ?
Hrvoje Husic (Robbie) h at husic dot de ? ?
Ingolf Schäfer ingolf dot schaefer at gmail dot com x
Konrad Rosenbaum konrad at silmor dot de ? ? x x
Stefan juli at riseup dot net x