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Projects/Usability/KDE Notification User Experience Study

From KDE Community Wiki

Have you always wanted to contribute to KDE but didn't know how? Are you a long term contributor interested in contributing in a new way? Participate in a research project and help the KDE e.V. raise money!

All you need to do is submit a short experience report on a recent interruptive notification experience that can help improve KDE in two ways. First, the research will be used to help improve the user experience of the KDE notification system. Second, the research team will make a donation to the KDE e.V. and support it financially

For each participant submission, the research team will donate $1USD to the KDE e.V., up to a total of $1000USD.

How to Participate

This study asks you to describe a recent KDE notification experience. Notifications are the information boxes that appear in the corner of your screen to give you information. We are interested in learning more about how you react to these notifications.

The next time you receive a notification and have 5-10 minutes to respond:

  • Take a screenshot of your desktop. You do not need to capture the notification in your screenshot
  • Visit the study webpage: KDE Notification User Experience Study
  • Upload your screenshot and complete the questionnaire
  • If you have sensitive information viewable, such as a webpage open with bank information, please hide it before you take the screenshot (For example, you could open a new browser tab or switch windows).

Try to submit your screenshot and experience report within 5 minutes of the notification. That's OK if you don't have the opportunity to do it in that time, just wait until the next notification.

Don't worry if the notification was interesting or not, we are interested in all types of notifications. The most important part is that you accurately complete the experience report to the best of your ability.

We suggest you bookmark the study page so you can easily access it after the notification.

When you are ready to participate visit the study website: KDE Notification User Experience Study

How Your Data Will be Used

You will be asked to report on a recent notification experience. Any personal information requested is optional. By participating you acknowledge that you are willing to participate in academic research and that the information in this survey may be reported to the public (e.g. research paper, blog article). Raw data from this study will never be shared or sold with third parties. Any data reported to the public will be reported in an aggregate manner (e.g. descriptive and analytic statistics). You will be compensated for your participation by a donation to the KDE e.V. on your behalf. This study has been reviewed and approved by the UMBC Institutional Review Board (IRB). A representative of that Board, from the Office for Research Protections and Compliance, is available to discuss the review process or my rights as a research participant. Contact information of the Office is (410) 455-2737 or compliance@umbc.edu. UMBC IRB Protocol Y13AK12001 valid 07/24/2012 through 07/23/2013.