Plasma/libplasma2/API Review/RunnerManager

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 11:49, 2 April 2013 by Notmart (talk | contribs)
Status Action Method
DONE Keep uint id() const;

{{FeatureDone|Keep| explicit RunnerManager(QObject *parent=0);

TO DO Remove? explicit RunnerManager(KConfigGroup &config, QObject *parent); <- don’t like it much, but probaly the cleanest way, (alternative would be init()) <{{{3}}}>
DONE Keep ~RunnerManager();
DONE Keep AbstractRunner *runner(const QString &name) const;
TO DO Subclass AbstractRunner *singleModeRunner() const; -> should Single runner mode stuff go into a SingleModeRunnerManagersubclass? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Subclass void setSingleModeRunnerId(const QString &id); -> should Single runner mode stuff go into a SingleModeRunnerManagersubclass? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Subclass QString singleModeRunnerId() const; -> should Single runner mode stuff go into a SingleModeRunnerManagersubclass? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Subclass bool singleMode() const; -> should Single runner mode stuff go into a SingleModeRunnerManagersubclass? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Subclass void setSingleMode(bool singleMode); -> should Single runner mode stuff go into a SingleModeRunnerManagersubclass? <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Subclass QStringList singleModeAdvertisedRunnerIds() const; -> should Single runner mode stuff go into a SingleModeRunnerManagersubclass? <{{{3}}}>

TO DO Move QString runnerName(const QString &id) const;->use KpluginInfo <{{{3}}}>
DONE Keep QList<AbstractRunner *> runners() const;
TO DO Review RunnerContext RunnerContext *searchContext() const; <{{{3}}}>

DONE Keep QList<QueryMatch> matches() const;
DONE Keep void run(const QueryMatch &match);
DONE Keep void run(const QString &matchId);
DONE Keep QList<QAction*> actionsForMatch(const QueryMatch &match);
DONE Keep QString query() const;

TO DO Slot void reloadConfiguration();-> not that nice having it exposed, but should be a slot <{{{3}}}>

DONE Keep void setAllowedRunners(const QStringList &runners);
DONE Keep QStringList allowedRunners() const;

TO DO Move void loadRunner(const KService::Ptr service); <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Move void loadRunner(const QString &path); <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Move {{{2}}} <{{{3}}}>

DONE Keep QMimeData * mimeDataForMatch(const QueryMatch &match) const;
DONE Keep QMimeData * mimeDataForMatch(const QString &matchId) const;

TO DO Remove slot void setupMatchSession(); -> Was done for the window runner, since xlib wasn’t threadsafe, Xcb is, so this can go <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Remove slot void matchSessionComplete(); -> Was done for the window runner, since xlib wasn’t threadsafe, Xcb is, so this can go <{{{3}}}>

DONE Keep slot void launchQuery(const QString &term, const QString &runnerId);
DONE Keep slot void launchQuery(const QString &term);

TO DO Remove bool execQuery(const QString &term, const QString &runnerName); <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Remove  bool execQuery(const QString &term); <{{{3}}}>
DONE Keep slot void reset();
DONE Keep void matchesChanged(const QList<Plasma::QueryMatch> &matches);
DONE Keep void queryFinished();