KWin/Default Options

From KDE Community Wiki

Default Options for KWin 4.9

How to Help

Help us finding better default options for KWin 4.9. For that all you need is a 4.8 installation configured with KDE default settings (for example a new user account). Just use it and report issues here for what can be improved. Please add a section for your suggestion and provide a rational why you think there could be a better default option. It would be really great if you could also name which config keys need to be changed. You can easily find these in your kwinrc file in ~/.kde/share/config/.

Proposed Changes

Activate Desktop Change OSD and Desktop Grid on upper right screen edge


By default KWin uses only one virtual desktop. So even if the Desktop Change OSD and Desktop Grid on right upper screen edge is enabled it does not have any consequences for a user with default settings. But a user who wants to use virtual desktops gets a better configured system for virtual desktops without having to perform changes at many places.

Config Changes

metadata.desktop file for desktop change OSD script needs to be enabled by default and in Effect-DesktopGrid group the BorderActivate config key has to be set.

Review Request




Proposed By

Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin [at] kde [dot] org>


> By default KWin uses only one virtual desktop.

Is this also true for most of the big KDE distributions? Kubuntu for example defaults to two virtual desktops when creating a new user. This does of course not mean one must adhere to settings of a specific distribution, but it is probably worthwhile to consider changes distributions apply to the default settings.

Why should it be the upper right screen edge. Is that not the most likely place for accidental activation, since the window control buttons are traditionally also located there? --Dns-hmpf 22:54, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

Present Windows Task Switcher


By default KWin uses layout based switcher. This is quite confusing with alt+tab because it shows two simultaneous effects when one presses alt+tab so ones eye is not sure what's going on or where to focus. The 'Present Windows' task switcher is much cleaner for the average user to use and see what's going on. Also it's consisent with the 'icon tasks' widget on the panel which displays the same effect when one clicks on it.

Config Changes


Review Request




Proposed By

Divan Santana <divan [at] s-tainment [dot] co [dot] za >


New shortcut keys for changing virtual desktop


By default KWin does not have any shortcut key defined for changing virtual desktops, left, right, up or down(only to a specific desktop via ctrl+f1). As by default there is only one virtual desktop this change won't impact the default set up. But if a user enables multiple virtual desktops, it is nice to have ctrl+alt+left-arrow to move VD left, or ctrl+alt+right-arrow to move VD right, and possibly the same for up/down. Just today someone asked what the default was, and I had to let them know there is none and how to manually set it.

Config Changes

`kde4-config --localprefix`/share/config/kglobalshortcutsrc

Switch One Desktop Down=Ctrl+Alt+Down,none,Switch One Desktop Down
Switch One Desktop Up=Ctrl+Alt+Up,none,Switch One Desktop Up
Switch One Desktop to the Left=Ctrl+Alt+Left,none,Switch One Desktop to the Left
Switch One Desktop to the Right=Ctrl+Alt+Right,none,Switch One Desktop to the Right

Review Request




Proposed By

Divan Santana <divan [at] s-tainment [dot] co [dot] za >


Enable "Dim Screen for Administrator Mode" by default


Asking for the user/root password is an important operation, so it makes sense that it is highlighted.

I propose that this effect is turned on by default, as it improves usability, and harmonizes with other desktops who do the same.

Config Changes


Review Request




Proposed By

Ivo Anjo <knuckles [at] gmail [dot] com>


Change shortcut keys for present windows

The default global shortcuts to toggle present windows should be F7 for window class, F8 for current desktop and F9 for show desktop grid.


Currently there are three different "toggle present windows" shortcut actions plus the show desktop grid global shortcut keys, F7 is for the window class, F8 shows the desktop grid, F9 for the current desktop and F10 for all desktops.

"Show windows from all desktops" and "desktop grid" are very similar. Therefore a preconfigured global shortcut for only one of this actions should be choosen. I would vote for show grid, the additional spatial clue and the added functionality (drag&drop from one desktop to another) make more than up for the smaller preview window size.

F7 to F9 to toggle the smallest to the biggest action is probably the most expected pattern for users, e.g. compare with volume sliders which go from left to right (not only in some computer interfaces but also on real world stereos).

Config Changes

`kde4-config --localprefix`/share/config/kglobalshortcutsrc

[kwin] ... ExposeClass=Ctrl+F7,none,Toggle Present Windows (Window class) Expose=Ctrl+F8,none,Toggle Present Windows (Current desktop) ShowDesktopGrid=Ctrl+F9,none,Show Desktop Grid ExposeAll=none,none,Toggle Present Windows (All desktops) ...

Review Request




Proposed By

Dirk Sarpe <dns_hmpf [at] web [dot] de>
